Public notice

Poison Warning - Glendhu forest at Lawrence

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Regional Services wishes to advise that a ground-based possum control operation will be taking place to reduce possum numbers for Rayonier in the Glendhu forest at Lawrence.

Areas covered: Two areas totaling 427 hectares near Youngs Valley approximately 6 to 11km north of the Lawrence township and boundered by the following roads: Young, Medwin, Gardiners Track, and Road 19.

Operation date: 10 November 2014 to 10 January 2015

Poisoning methods, poison used and nature of poison: Possum habitats will be targeted using Feratox encapsulated baits in bait stations and bait bags attached to trees. Feratox capsules (dyed green) to be placed in a peanut paste inside biodegradable blue and/or white bait bags and bait stations. The public is warned not to enter these areas and not to remove carcasses or baits. Baits are dangerous to people and dogs.

General warning

  • Do not touch poison baits/bait stations/traps
  • Do not touch poisoned possum carcasses
  • Keep pets under supervision; do not let dogs eat poisoned carcasses
  • Do not leave children unattended
  • Follow the advice on the poison warning signs.

If you suspect poisoning

  • Contact your local hospital, or dial 111
  • National Poisons Centre 0800 POISON – 0800 764766
  • In the case of a domestic animal being poisoned, contact a local veterinarian

For further information (including maps of the operational area), contact the operator

All enquiries to: Bryce Smith, 027 278 9120, Approved Operator, Regional Services