Albert Town Lagoon
The Otago Regional Council looks after Otago’s environment, ensuring activities comply with legislation. Learn about the council’s work, councillors representing you, and our partnership with mana whenua. Find upcoming council meetings, meeting agendas and reports.
Ko te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Ōtākou te kaitaurima i te taiao o Ōtākou, e mātua whakahākai ana te tautukuhaka o kā mahi ki te ture. Ka ako mō kā mahi o te Kaunihera, kā kaikaunihera e noho ana hai kanohi mōhou, ā, me te honoka ki te mana whenua. Ka kitea kā hui kaunihera e haere ake nei, kā wātaka hui, me kā pūroko anō hoki.
We are responsible for sustainably managing Otago’s natural resources of land, air and water on behalf of our community.
ORC is responsible for promoting the economic, social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the region. Our work covers all of Otago and our focus is on the environment and natural resources.
Our Otago Regional Councillors represent the region's four constituencies - Dunedin, Moeraki, Dunstan, and Molyneux.
The team at Otago Regional Council is a team that includes scientists, analysts, and other experts in a diverse range of fields.
We partner with Iwi, enabling mana whenua to contribute to decision-making and capacity development, honouring the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
How Otago Regional Council works with other organisations in Otago, including district councils.
Council meetings, reports, and agendas are typically open to the public and available online.
Join ORC and lead the way in protecting, enhancing and promoting Otago's environment in a team-driven organisation. You will find ORC job vacancies on our careers recruitment website.
Find the latest news from the Otago Regional Council and read our community newsletters.
Residents of Otago are a key contributor to our funding through rates. Find out more about what rates are used for and how to pay them.
ORC is responsible for coordinating regional land transport activities and developing plans for Otago-Southland. We focus on creating a safe, efficient land transport system and regularly review plans to ensure they remain relevant. Our initiatives also include enhancing public transport operations sustainably through community involvement and fair competition.
Discover all our regional and corporate plans, policies, and strategies here. Explore policy documents protecting our environment, scientific reports aiding communities, and strategic plans guiding Otago's future. Access historical data but ensure you're using the latest version.
Our reports cover activities, finances, and performance, while governance info highlights our sustainability commitment. Reviews ensure fair representation, and proactive info release promotes accountability.
How and when to vote, stand as a candidate, and results for past local elections
Need to talk to us? There are a range of ways you can get in touch. Contact us by email, phone, social media, fax, or post. You're also welcome to call into any of our offices. Freephone Monday - Friday: 0800 474 082