Otago waters are used for a wide variety of recreational activities. Whether you're on a paddleboard, power boat or anything in between, you must know the rules and have the right gear to stay safe.

You can find great advice covering the basic of recreational boating on the Maritime New Zealand website.

Whatever your level of experience, before you head out on the water make sure you’ve prepped your vessel, checked your gear, and know the rules. Have a plan of action before you head out to make sure you get home safe.


Always follow the five key messages from the Boating Safety Code:

  • Wear your life jacket
  • Take two waterproof ways to call for help
  • Check the marine weather forecast
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Be a responsible skipper

How to stay safe on the water

Below are important things you must consider before you head out on the water to keep yourself and others safe.

Safer boating