Regional Land Transport Plans 

The Otago and Southland Regional Transport Committees asked for people to submit their views on transport activities in our regions.

This was a mid-term review of the Otago Southland Regional Land Transport Plans 2021-31.

We needed your input to ensure that the plans are on track and were still relevant to the regions' needs.

What you need to know 

We are adjusting the investment priorities to reflect the transport system's needs. These priorities relate to:

  • Providing more transport choices for people in how they move around.
  • Promoting safety, health and wellbeing for the community and the environment.
  • Enhancing maintenance and network resilience to ensure community access and connectivity.

The programmes of work have been adjusted for the years 2024-2027. The general focus is maintaining and upgrading roads and, in the urban areas of Dunedin and Queenstown, there is an emphasis on public transport and walking and cycling. There are also a number of improvement and resilience projects across both regions, as well as significant investments proposed by Waka Kotahi for the state highways.

We would like to hear from you about:

  • The strategic direction being proposed
  • The proposals put forward by local government and Waka Kotahi for 2024-27
  • The prioritisation and scheduling of these projects
  • Any other projects that need to be addressed

Making a submission

Anyone can make a submission.

You can view the plans above, or you can examine a printed copy at:

  • Otago Regional Council's office located on Level 2, 144 Rattray Street, Dunedin
  • Environment Southland's office on the corner of North Road and Price Street, Waikiwi, Invercargill
  • Public Libraries in Southland and Otago

Submissions were open from Monday 12 February 2024 until 5pm Friday 19 April 2024.

Further information

If you require further information, please contact Varghese Thomas (ORC) on 0800 474 082 or by email to or Russell Hawkes (ES) on 0800 76 88 45 or by email to

What are the Regional Land Transport Plans?

The Otago Southland Regional Land Transport Plans set out the common strategic transport direction to guide transport activities within our regions, and identifies an agreed regional long-term vision, objectives, as well as the transport investment priorities. These plans must be developed every six years and reviewed every three years.

The development of these plans has been guided by the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and subsequent amendments, the Ministry of Transport's Outcomes Framework, and the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS). This sets out the Government's strategic direction for the land transport system and guides how funding is invested.

A new draft GPS was released in March 2024, which may result in some modification or changes to this combined RLTP. 

How is work funded?

Funding for the proposed transport activities comes from councils, direct Crown funding, and the National Land Transport Fund. Any projects seeking inclusion in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and funding from Waka Kotahi through the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) must be included in an RLTP.

What happens after the submission period?

Following the consultation and submission period, arrangements will be made for hearings to be held. Following the hearings, all submissions will be acknowledged, and the final decisions will be communicated. The Regional Transport Committees will make amendments as required and the plans will be finalised. The final version will then be submitted to the individual regional councils for approval for submission to Waka Kotahi. This will enable the activities to be considered for inclusion into the National Land Transport Programme.

Submissions on current RLTP closed Friday 19 April 2024.