The Environment Court released its interim decision on the Water Permits Plan Change on 22 October 2021, and the Environment Court released its final decision on Plan Change 7 on 17 November 2021.  

The Court’s decisions were not appealed, and Plan Change 7 was made operative on 5 March 2022. 

The Environment Court released its interim decision on the Water Permits Plan Change (PC7) on 22 October 2021 and on 17 November 2021 the Environment Court released its final decision on PC7. The Court’s decisions were not appealed and Plan Change 7 was made operative on 5 March 2022.

ORC has now amended Plan Change 7 as directed by the Environment Court> The Plan change and public notice can be read in documents section below. 

The Environment Court Decisions can be viewed on the page.

ORC acknowledges the input of the many submitters at the Plan Change 7 court proceedings, for sharing their experiences and knowledge. Over the coming weeks, staff will assess the implications of the Court decision on resource consent applications that are currently being processed, and on future applications. We will communicate any impacts from the Plan Change 7 decision with consent applicants.

You can get in touch with our consents staff by calling 0800 474 082 or emailing


Otago Regional Council (ORC) proposed a plan change to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago to add an objective, policies and rules that manage the replacement of expiring deemed permits and water permits. The plan change is the first step in the transition from the Regional Plan: Water for Otago to a new “fit for purpose” Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP).

The Water Permits Plan Change (Plan Change 7) seeks to strengthen the plan’s existing policy framework, in advance of undertaking a comprehensive review of the Regional Plan: Water. The full review of the plan and development of the LWRP is programmed to be completed and notified by 31 December 2023.

Notification and submissions

We notified the Water Permits Plan Change (Plan Change 7) in March 2020, but during the submission period, the plan change was “called in” by the Minister for the Environment. The EPA re-notified the plan change by issuing a Notice of Direction and submissions closed on 17 August 2020.

All submissions received by ORC were passed on to the EPA to be included in their notification and submission process.

On 17 September 2020, the EPA released a summary of submissions and a call-out for further submissions on this plan change.

Read the summary of submissions and further submissions here.


Between March 2021 and June 2021 the Environment Court held a hearing into the provisions of Plan Change 7 and matters raised in submissions and further submissions. Decisions on the Plan Change were released in October and November 2021. For information about Environment Court hearings process and decisions on this plan change, please click here.



Questions and answers

Page last updated 21 June 2024.