This suite of reports is prepared under the provisions of section 42A of the RMA. The reports assess information provided in the submissions on the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021 (pORPS).
The reports summarise and evaluate submissions on the pORPS for the Hearing Panel and recommend possible amendments to the policy statement in response to those submissions.
Each section of the report has an author, who is responsible for the recommendations on that topic. The recommendations are informed by the authors’ evaluation and specialist technical information.
Each author has prepared a statement of supplementary evidence to indicate their current thinking (except for Chapter 16 where there is no change). Proposed amendments to the pORPS document have been updated to include amended or additional recommended changes. See the links in the table below.
The National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land 2022 (NPS-HPL) came into force on 17 October 2022. Some submission points refer to drafts of this NPS and request that the pORPS give effect to its provisions. We have prepared two separate statements of supplementary evidence in response to this NPS and related submission points.
Council has been advised that some of the recommendations contained in the Supplementary Evidence on Chapter 15 of the pORPS are not shown in the updated pORPS. As of 31 October this has been corrected. The latest version of the pORPS is dated 31 October 2022 and is available by clicking on the link in the Table below.
The amendments are to the following provisions: UFD-O3(2), UFD-O4(1), UFD-P1(8), UFD-P3(6), UFD-P4(5), UFD-P7(1) and (2), UFD-P8(6), UFD-M2(9), UFD-PR1 (paragraph 6), and UFD-AER11.
Report Chapter | Content | Documents |
Proposed Amendments pORPS – S42A & Supplementary Evidence Version | All Sections |
22/11/22: APP1 is not part of the Freshwater Planning Instrument, however it has been identified that APP1 incorrectly used blue shading in the formatting of the table it contains. That shading has been amended to grey to avoid confusion. |
Reply Version pORPS | All Sections | |
1. | Introduction and planning context General themes |
S42A Report – Chapter 1
Note: This report was updated 5 May 2022, correcting table of contents errors only. Note the reference in this evidence at paragraph 24 to ‘Appendix A’ should read ‘Appendix 1'. |
2. |
Submissions on Part 1: Introduction and general provisions
3. | Interpretation (Definitions and abbreviations) | |
4. | MW – Mana whenua | |
5. |
Submissions on Part 2: Resource management overview
This Chapter contains Council’s evaluation of the PORPS as a whole. Shading has been used to identify the parts of this Chapter that are NOT being considered under the Schedule 1 process. Second Supplementary Evidence 05 |
6. | IM – Integrated management | |
7. | AIR – Air | |
8. | CE – Coastal environment | |
9. |
LF – Land and freshwater
Includes Appendix 1 and Map 1 |
S42A Report – Chapter 9 Second Supplementary Evidence (HPL) 09 Third Supplementary Evidence (Omission) Second Supplementary Evidence 09 |
10. |
ECO – Ecosystems and indigenous biodiversity Includes Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 |
11. |
EIT – Energy, infrastructure, and transport
Includes Map 2 |
S42A Report – Chapter 11 Please note – the reference to Appendix 1 at paragraph 16 of this evidence should read as a reference to the document titled Proposed Amendments PORPS – S42A & Supplementary Evidence Version – see link at the top of this table. |
12. |
HAZ – Hazards and risks
Includes Appendix 6 |
13. |
HCV – Historical and cultural values
Includes Appendix 7 and Appendix 8 |
14. |
NFL – Natural features and landscapes Includes Appendix 9 |
15. |
UFD – Urban form and development Includes Appendix 10 |
Second Supplementary Evidence (HPL) 15 Third Supplementary Evidence 15 |
16. | Evaluation and monitoring |