The Resource Management Act 1991 requires councils to develop and maintain plans that manage the environment. If part of any plan needs to change or be completely updated, there are steps the council needs to take. Part of this process is to seek feedback from the public by way of submissions.
Click here to see open consultations.
You can also make a submission on an application for resource consent, read more about this here.
Council drafts a proposed plan, policy statement or plan change.
This includes consulting with relevant ministries, local authorities, and iwi.
Generally, councils will undertake some form of consultation prior to notification.
After the draft is notified the public can make submissions supporting or rejecting the proposed plan, policy statement or plan change.
The submissions period is open for:
If a hearing is required, it will be held after the submissions period is closed.
Submitters who have indicated they want to speak about their submission will have the chance to do this at a hearing.
You do not need to attend a hearing but it is helpful if the panel has questions for you. Your submission is considered exactly the same irrespective of whether you speak or not.
The recommendation of the hearing panel can be accepted or rejected during a 'decision notified' stage.
Council will consider submissions and other evidence and finalise the plan. Notifications will be sent to all stakeholders.
If you are unhappy with the final decision you can make an appeal. This may result in mediation or hearings via the Environmental or High courts. If no appeals are received the proposed plan will commence.
This is a new process for most people, and we want you to feel confident at each step. If you follow the list below the submission process should be smooth sailing.
A submission is a formally written statement, that enables you to have your say on the development and implementation of ORC plans and policies. A submission must be completed on a particular submission form (Form 5) and can usually be completed online or on paper. Click here for current consultations and their associated submission forms.
Anyone can make a submission. You can submit as an individual or as a group. Groups will need to appoint a spokesperson and this person needs to be clearly identified on the submission. Equal consideration is given to group submissions and individual submissions.
No, there is no cost when you make a submission.
A submission can be made when a new plan or policy statement or a change to a plan or policy statement is notified. “Notified” is when a council informs the public about a plan change or new plan by placing a public notice in relevant newspapers. In Otago, this is the Otago Daily Times. The notice is also put on our website. Submissions must be lodged on or before the advertised closing date.
Prior to starting your submission, find out as much information as you can about what is being proposed and how it will affect you. Call us (0800 474 082) for advice about your submission and/or to get further information about a proposed plan, policy statement or plan change.
Think about the reasons you want to make a submission and use this as the basis of your submission. Avoid including matters that are not within the proposed plan, policy statement or plan change as these will not be considered in this process.
An effective submission will:
If you are going to speak at the hearing remember you can only speak about issues raised in your written submission.
Please note: Submissions are public information so everything that’s in it will be publicly available.
You can make a submission online at or by completing a submission document (Form 5) and emailing it to or by posting it to Submissions, Otago Regional Council, 70 Stafford Street, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin 9054. Submission forms are available by calling 0800 474 082 or on the relevant page.
Your submission may be written in English, te reo Maori, or presented in New Zealand Sign Language. If you wish to submit in Sign Language, you will need to contact council so we can organise an appropriate way to receive your submission. If you are submitting in sign or te reo, we will need to organise a translation.
The amount of time the submissions period is open for is:
Late submissions may not be accepted so please allow plenty of time for post or courier.
Click here for information about what happens after you make a submission.
A submission (or part of your submission) may be struck out if the authority is satisfied that at least one of the following applies to the submission (or part of the submission):