Public notice

Public notice: 07 February 2023 Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Freshwater Planning Instrument Parts Public Notice of availability of Corrigendum 2 to the Summary of Decisions Requested

Pursuant to Clause 7 of the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991, the Otago Regional Council gave notice on 21 January 2023 that the Summary of Decisions Requested by Submitters in relation to the Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement – Freshwater Planning Instrument Parts is now available for public inspection on the Council’s website at

Council has received advice that there is an error in the summary of a decision requested in the Summary of Decisions Requested.

It is the submission by Z Energy Ltd, BP Oil NZ Ltd, and Mobil NZ Ltd (The Fuel Companies), submission point FPI034.002 concerning LF-FW-P7.
Council has prepared Corrigendum 2 which is now available for viewing at

In addition, this Corrigendum contains corrections to two email addresses for service:

  • Submitter FPI025 Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd and Deer Industry New Zealand
  • Submitter FPI028 Waterfall Park Developments Ltd


Further Submissions

The period for making a further submission on The Fuel Companies submission point only (FPI034.002) is hereby extended to 5.00pm on Thursday 16 February 2023. A further submission must be limited to a matter in support of, or opposition to, the submission point in Corrigendum 2 to the Summary of Decisions Requested.

Under Clause 8 of the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991, the following persons may make a further submission:

  • Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;
  • Any person that has an interest in the Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement greater than the interest that the general public has; and
  • Otago Regional Council.


Further Submissions can be provided to ORC by:

  • Email to with “RPSFPI Further Submission” in the subject line; or
  • Post to Private Bag 1954, Dunedin 9054.

A copy of the further submission must also be served on the person who made the submission to which the further submission relates, within five working days of making the further submission to Otago Regional Council.

Pim Borren,