Sea Week - Sea Speak

Thursday 8 March 2018

7.00pm to - 8.30pm

Venue: Otago University Rowing Club, Magnet Street, Dunedin

A ship came into the harbour… How did it get there? Who was on board? Find out this and more at Sea Speak!

Ever wondered what exactly is involved in the role of Harbourmaster? Our new Harbourmaster, Steve Rushbrook, has recently joined Otago Regional Council, after working for the Port of London. During this time, Steve has overseen port activity for the Queen’s Jubilee and the London Olympics. As part of Sea Week, come along and hear from Steve about the navigational and safety aspects of his role as Harbourmaster and find out what his priorities are for the Otago region. 

In addition, Aless Smith from the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre will provide an update on her Sediment and Seashores project. 

Get involved in this interactive session, set to the amazing backdrop of Otago Harbour!

Sea Week