False tamarisk

Common name:  False tamarisk
Scientific name:  Myricaria germanica
Management programme:  Exclusion

Report this pest!

If you have seen or suspect the presence of this pest you must report the sighting.

Report the sighting to Biosecurity New Zealand at 0800 80 99 66.

Why is it a pest?

False tamarisk changes the natural environment of stony river beds by reducing the habitat available for birds that nest in braided riverbeds, while also providing cover for the predators that attack them.

What does it look like?

False tamarisk is a shrub that sheds its leaves every year. It can grow to 1.5m with upright branches and small, narrowly triangular leaves that are held close to its branches and appear bluish-green. It has small, pink, 5-petalled flowers that hang in clusters from January and are followed in February and March by small grey capsules containing seeds. The seeds are spread by wind and water.

What are the rules?

While there are no rules for landowners in Otago regarding false tamarisk, if it gets into Otago, ORC would take the lead role in control. Over the life of the pest plan (10 years), the goal is to stop false tamarisk establishing in Otago to prevent negative effects on economic well-being and environmental values.

How will we achieve that?

ORC will be responsible for controlling the plant if it gets into Otago. We ask that you please let us know if you think you have spotted false tamarisk by calling 0800 474 082 or emailing biosecurity@orc.govt.nz.    

How can I control it?

If you think you do have false tamarisk, please let us know by calling 0800 474 082 or emailing biosecurity@orc.govt.nz and we will take care of controlling it.

Management programme