The Otago Regional Council has prepared a draft Infrastructure Strategy 2024-2054 to identify significant infrastructure issues that we might face in relation to managing flood protection, land drainage and river management infrastructure. This Strategy will form part of the council’s Long-Term Plan and will help guide decision-making in relation to the management of these issues.

Throughout the lifetime of the Strategy, there are key projects and programmes of work that are planned to inform this decision-making and help maintain and improve the resilience of ORC’s flood protection, land drainage and river management infrastructure.

The map below shows our proposed investment programme for the next 30 years, as proposed in our draft Infrastructure Strategy 2024-2054. This interactive version of the investment programme allows you to see what programmes of work are planned on flood protection, drainage and river management infrastructure in your area, when it is planned to occur, and how much it is estimated to cost.

You can view a copy of the draft Infrastructure Strategy and read more about what is proposed in the council’s draft Long-Term Plan here.


Map for proposed investment programme for the next 30 years