Snowstorms can represent a severe hazard for people in Otago, particularly when deep snow accumulates in densely-populated coastal areas which are not regularly affected by snow. 

Heavy snow loads can collapse roofs and gutters, and bring down power and telephone lines.

Snow can also close roads and affect transport links such as airports, rail lines and bus services. Road access across the region can be affected, particularly the alpine passes such as the Lindis and Haast, and SH1 north and south of Dunedin.

Snow may fall to sea level for one to three days and form into drifts. When such an event is followed by an advancing anticyclone, clear skies and cold temperatures may mean that the snow persists for several days, resulting in frosts and widespread ice.

ORC does not currently hold a snow hazard map covering the entire Otago region.


Coronet Peak


Page last updated 22 June 2024.