What is the Draft Strategy?

The Head of Lake Whakatipu Natural Hazards Adaptation Strategy (draft) establishes a long-term vision, goals, actions plans and ways of working to manage and adapt to natural hazards in the Head of Lake Whakatipu area.  

The Strategy is developed to support the communities in the Head of Lake Whakatipu area address challenges posed by natural hazards.

It is a non-statutory plan. It does not have any decision-making power or create any obligations. It is intended to lay a good foundation, provide a common direction to support decision-making and effective adaptation in the area.

The Strategy takes a long-term view and encompasses all types of natural hazards. It is focused on adapting to natural hazards only, as it aligns with the capacities of the Strategy’s partner agencies: Otago Regional Council, Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) and Civil Defence Emergency Management Otago.

This Strategy is intended to be a reference document designed to guide and support the Head of the Lake’s community, ORC and other agencies in preparing for and responding effectively to natural hazards impacts, both now and in the future.

Vision of the Strategy

The proposed vision of the Strategy is a resilient and sustainable Head of Lake Whakatipu, where proactive natural hazard and climate adaptation enhance community wellbeing and safety and contribute to a flourishing environment.


Dart river bank at Kinloch
View from the rocky Dart river bank at Kinloch

Read the Draft Strategy and give your feedback

There are two documents, depending on how much detail you’d like to know:

  1. Detailed Report - Draft Natural Hazards Adaptation Strategy for the Head of Lake Whakatipu – this report is comprehensive and brings together technical, social and strategic information that has been gathered over the last five years. You can download and read the detailed Draft Strategy PDF.

  2. Summary of the Draft Strategy – this introduces the main ideas discussed in the detailed report. You can read the Draft Strategy summary version on this webpage, or you can download and read the PDF version (the PDF version includes the feedback form at the end of the document).

Printed copies of both documents are available at Glenorchy Motors, Glenorchy Library, and the ORC office (Level 1 Alta House, Terrace Junction,1092 Frankton Road Queenstown).

Once you have read the Draft Strategy, you can give your feedback either:

You may respond to as many or as few questions as you like, and we encourage you to explain your answers wherever possible. Your input will help us improve the Strategy to make it practical and effective.

Feedback closes 11.59pm, 23 February 2025

Give your Draft Strategy feedback now

Why is adaptation needed?

Adaptation in its simplest form means making changes, adjustments to reduce the risks and impacts from natural hazards events like floods, helping communities stay safe and resilient.

The complex natural hazards in the head of Lake Whakatipu pose risks to the community’s life and their social and economic activities as well as critical infrastructure of the area. 

With a changing landscape and climate, these challenges are expected to intensify. While there are no simple solutions, taking adaptation actions now will lay the groundwork for stronger, more resilient communities in the head of Lake Whakatipu now and in the future. 

How was the Strategy developed?

ORC has taken a collaborative approach and has worked closely with the community, mana whenua representatives and partners (Queenstown Lakes District Council, Civil Defence Emergency Management Otago) throughout the process of the development of this Strategy. 

We have carried out a series of activities to support the development of the Strategy, including community engagement sessions and technical studies.

The community at the Head of the Lake has been actively engaged over the past five years, participating in meetings, workshops and studies and provided significant feedback.

The contribution of the community is a valuable outcome and plays a crucial role in shaping this Strategy.

Head of Lake Whakatipu community workshop 31 August 2023
Head of Lake Whakatipu community workshop held 31 August 2023

Draft Strategy

The detailed Draft Strategy report is comprehensive and brings together technical, social and strategic information that has been gathered over the last five years.

Below is a summary of the information from the detailed Draft Head of Lake Whakatipu Natural Hazards Adaptation Strategy.

You can also download the summary PDF version.

You can read the detailed PDF version of the Draft Head of Lake Whakatipu Natural Hazards Adaptation Strategy.

Summary of the Draft Natural Hazards Adaptation Strategy for the Head of Lake Whakatipu

How to give your feedback

We are now seeking your input to help refine the Draft Strategy, making it practical and effective.

The feedback period runs from 5 December 2024 to 23 February 2025.

You may respond to as many or as few questions as you like, and we encourage you to explain your answers wherever possible.

There are three ways to provide your feedback:

  • Online: use the online form below to submit your feedback
  • Email: You may also send written feedback by email, where the feedback in attached in a PDF document or a Microsoft Word document (2023 or later version). Please email your feedback to: headofthelake@orc.govt.nz
  • Physical mail: If you are mailing your own written feedback, send it to:
    Otago Regional Council
    ATTN: Natural Hazards Department
    Private Bag 1954
    Dunedin 9054

Deadline: Feedback closes at 11.59pm on 23 February 2025.

Community engagement event in February 2025

A community meeting and presentation was held on 13 February 2025 at Glenorchy Hall to chat about the Draft Head of Lake Whakatipu Natural Hazards Adaptation Strategy.

View the recorded webinar below and download the presentation notes below.

Download presentation

Next steps after feedback closes

The first iteration of the Strategy is expected to be finalised in early 2025, with timing subject to the feedback on the draft documents.

Give your feedback now