The Hill Country Erosion Programme helps landowners manage and protect erosion-prone hill country land with practical tools like planting guides and best practice advice.

This programme is a partnership between MPI/Te Uru Rākau-NZ Forest Service, Otago Regional Council and landowners, encouraging sustainable management practices to protect vulnerable hill country. 

The three-year project fits alongside other work being carried out across Otago, particularly catchment programmes, the draft Strategic Climate Action Plan and Nature-based Solutions study.


The project aims to improve council’s engagement with mana whenua and landowners, increase education and awareness about hill country erosion and ways to address this, and to identify and mitigate hill slope erosion in priority areas.


What we’re doing right now

  • We’re collating and analysing existing data and mapping to determine where our focus should be
  • We have developed a strategic plan to guide our actions through the three years of project funding (up until June 2027).  Mana whenua advice will continue to inform our planning for how and where we work on this project
  • Tools are being developed to assist landowners in making land use decisions, including a planting guide for erosion control
  • Site visits are underway to assess current landowner led erosion control strategies and concerns
  • Pilot project sites will be identified to trial and showcase erosion control tools and techniques

Why it's important

Prevention is a key part of the program, and there are several options available to help stop erosion in coastal Otago. However, we need more research. We are working with landowners and experts so that we can better understand the changes to the environment in coastal Otago, including changes in soil types. The aim being to boost water quality, reduce sediment going into our waterways, and improve the quality of the land.

Alison Turner spoke with erosion expert Murray Harris about the Hill Country Erosion projects.


Getting involved

We are wanting to learn from, and support landowners who are managing their land in ways that are effectively addressing and controlling hill country erosion.  If you are interested in being part of our pilot project sites, please get in touch.  

There is some funding to support landowner initiatives, such as stock exclusion fencing and planting.  We invite landowners who wish to take part to register their interest, by emailing

For more details about the Hill Country Erosion project contact:

Alison Turner
Land Management Advisor
027 209 1227

Other awesome information

Hill country erosion is a problem across many parts of New Zealand.  To learn what initiatives are underway to address the problem in other parts of the country, check out these great resources:

Keen to propagate your own plants?

Learn from those who are already doing it!

There are a range of organisations that support good land management.  If you are interested in learning more about some of the research and innovation underway to address erosion, check out these sites:

New Zealand Association of Resource Management | NZARM

NZ Farm Forestry

Adoption of the Tīmata Method for Restoring Native Bush

He Ngahere, He Korowai: Resilient land-use strategies for whenua Māori