You will have questions about the area, the natural hazards, the new reports, and the findings.
These answers have been pulled together by ORC staff from the reports and other information. These will be updated as new questions are asked.
Our work is informed by ORC’s Long-Term Plan, developed with community input. One of the outcomes we’re working towards is to support communities that are resilient in the face of natural hazards and climate change, and other risks.
Under the Resource Management Act, we are also responsible for investigating natural hazards and engaging with communities about them.
We recognise that the best way to manage natural hazards in the Glenorchy area is to take a holistic approach that encompasses all hazards, takes a long-term adaptation view and works with the community to be resilient. Reactive or very localised responses are likely to have only short-term benefit.
We have commissioned technical studies and sought consultants’ advice to help us make decisions that are well informed and scientifically sound. The project’s key partners are the Glenorchy community, QLDC, DOC and iwi.
Aukaha has compiled a cultural values statement for the project area on behalf of Kāi Tahu. This emphasises the significance of the wider Whakatipu-wai-Māori (Lake Wakatipu) area to mana whenua.
July 2021
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June 2022
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The purpose of Otago Regional Council’s engagement with mana whenua, stakeholders, and the community is to enable people to contribute to Council decision making in a transparent and equitable way, enabling better outcomes for the region.
The Glenorchy area is exposed to a wide range of potential natural hazard risks such as flooding or alluvial fan activity, but other less frequent hazards such as earthquakes could also have a high impact. This area is only 40-50 km from the Alpine Fault and other active faults. Earthquakes could trigger other events such as liquefaction, landslides and rockfall, or even a tsunami following a large landslide into the lake.
The flooding risks in the Glenorchy area are continually changing through time in response to natural processes and large-scale environmental changes. These include migration of the braided Dart and Rees rivers across their floodplains, growth of the Dart and Rees delta and landforms, and stream flooding activity across the many alluvial fans.
As the Dart and Rees deltas continue to grow into the lake, riverbed levels will also rise with ongoing sediment deposition, and the flood risk for the Glenorchy and Kinloch areas will increase. In addition, climate change is expected to bring more frequent and heavier rainfalls, increasing the flood risks for the rivers and lake. The potential impacts of these on people living in these areas is expected to increase, particularly for low-lying lakefront areas and floodplains.
The area encompasses the Head of Lake Whakatipu, including Glenorchy, Kinloch and the surrounding rural Dart and Rees Valleys, Paradise and Greenstone areas.
As well as Glenorchy, many of these other locations are exposed to several natural hazards such as flooding and erosion on the Dart and Rees floodplains, and flooding and debris flows from the tributary streams or hill slopes to the east and west.
An active fault – the West Whakatipu Fault – runs along the western side of Lake Whakatipu from Mount Nicholas towards the Routeburn Valley.
Over many years, ORC has investigated flooding and other natural hazards at the head of the lake, including an investigation of natural hazards at Glenorchy in 2007 (findings reported in 2010).
We have also supported research projects including a PhD project completed in 2012 that investigated the delta processes and characteristics.
Our Otago-wide studies of hazards – landslides, alluvial fans and seismic hazards such as active faulting and liquefaction susceptibility – have all included the Head of Lake Whakatipu area.
All the information we have about natural hazards can be found on our Natural Hazards Database, which contains hazard maps, technical reports and photographs from past events.
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February 2024
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April 2024
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Phase 1 of a Socio-economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) examines the social and economic baseline of the local community, and the potential social and economic consequences of three indicative natural hazard scenarios in relation to the status quo (the current community and the natural hazard management measures currently in place).
December 2023
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August 2024
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August 2024
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August 2024
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August 2024
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This report details the findings of the natural hazards risk analysis in the townships of Glenorchy and Kinloch.
June 2023
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August 2023
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Neither the flooding hazard of the Dart-Rees floodplain nor the liquefaction hazard at Glenorchy township are new, but our studies have given us a more detailed understanding of these hazards.
Floods have been documented in the Dart-Rees floodplain and Glenorchy areas since early European settlement. Larger flooding events occurred in 1878, 1924, 1952, 1978, 1999, and more recently in March 2019 and Feb 2020.
Our first mapping of flood-prone areas of the Head of Lake Whakatipu area was based on observations from flooding events and interpretation of aerial imagery – this has been refined through subsequent studies.
In the early 2000s, several assessments identified the liquefaction hazard at Glenorchy. These earlier assessments were based largely on observations of the surface characteristics like the sedimentary deposits and interpretations of the groundwater table. The assessment by Tonkin+Taylor is the first to be based on detailed analysis including deep geotechnical tests.
We commissioned two natural hazard investigations to refine our understanding of flooding hazards at the Dart-Rees floodplain and the liquefaction hazard at Glenorchy.
A geotechnical investigation by Tonkin + Taylor assessed how vulnerable the township is to liquefaction and lateral spreading caused by earthquake shaking, and the anticipated impacts of these hazards. The sediments underlying Glenorchy were investigated.
This report was based on geotechnical investigation of sediments underlying Glenorchy using data collected from boreholes and CPT (cone penetrometer tests). These were used to carry out analysis of vulnerability to liquefaction and lateral spreading hazards.
At the same time, Land River Sea Consulting assessed the flood hazard to the Dart-Rees floodplain and Glenorchy from the Dart and Rees Rivers and high levels in Lake Whakatipu.
They modelled a range of very large flood event scenarios using a numerical model – for example, flooding events with a 1% chance of occurring in any one year, sometimes called the ‘100-year’ flood. Specific flooding scenarios modelled also included the impacts of climate change, a channel breakout (avulsion), and failure of a section of the Glenorchy floodbank.
The model results show the extent, depth and speed of floodwater for each scenario, providing important information for assessing the flood hazards and possible impacts.
Both reports were peer-reviewed by independent experts.
A new study of liquefication hazards at Glenorchy has found that widespread ‘high to severe’ liquefaction damage is likely for all moderate to major earthquake scenarios, including an Alpine Fault rupture. Lateral spreading is also expected for some earthquake scenarios, which would cause severe ground deformation and damage in the western areas near the lakefront.
At Glenorchy township, geological investigations show all of the sediments underlying the near-surface Buckler Burn gravels are highly susceptible to liquefaction.
A major earthquake and Alpine Fault rupture would likely cause ‘High to Severe’ liquefaction damages, comparable even to the 2010-2011 Christchurch earthquakes. In addition, lateral spreading would also cause severe ground deformation and damages in the western areas nearer the lakefront.
The map below shows the liquefaction hazard categorisation developed by T+T for liquefaction and lateral spreading hazards at Glenorchy. The hazard categorisation is based on New Zealand guidance from MBIE and MfE and is shown in more detail below.
Liquefaction and lateral spreading can occur when strong ground shaking during an earthquake disturbs ground sediments, causing them to behave as a fluid. The ground surface above liquefied soil can tilt and sink, affecting buildings, roads, and underground infrastructure such as water supply and septic systems at varying degrees. Lateral spreading is when these liquefied soils move sideways, usually towards water or lower ground. When the soil underneath moves, cracks can also appear in the ground.
Figure 1: An illustration of liquefaction and lateral spreading processes and their effects (IPENZ, 2012).
Modelling shows that in major flood events, such as an event with a 1% chance of occurring in any one year (a ‘100 year’ flood), there is widespread flooding in the northern parts of the Glenorchy township.
Floodwaters may be deep (into the range 1-2 metres) and fast flowing (into the range 1-2 metres per second).
Possible impacts of flooding have been assessed based on the modelled depth and velocity characteristics. This shows that in the areas of deepest and highest velocity floodwaters, it may be unsafe for both people and vehicles, and buildings may be vulnerable to structural damage.
The topography in the township is the main control of the flooding extents – as ground slopes up towards the south and southwest those slightly higher areas are likely unaffected by flooding from the Rees River or Lake Wakatipu.
(But note the current flood hazard modelling project does not include other potential flooding sources such as Bible Stream or the Buckler Burn. These flooding sources may affect areas outside the modelled flood extents of the current project).
The effects of climate change on river flows, or a breakout of the Rees River channel eastwards towards the Glenorchy lagoon, do not cause major increases in flooding hazard.
In a major flood event, there would also be widespread flooding of the Dart and Rees floodplains.
Model results for the wider Dart-Rees floodplain area show large sections of the Kinloch Road, as well as parts of the Glenorchy-Routeburn road at the foot of Mount Alfred, would be inundated in a major flood event.
These modelled events are similar, but even larger, than recent flooding events in this area such as March 2019 and February 2020 (as pictured) (Image by Luke Hunter).
Model results for a flooding scenario at Glenorchy, these are coloured by floodwater depth.
Landscape and climate changes are expected to cause increases in the severity and likelihood of natural hazard impacts to this area – particularly for rainfall-driven hazards such as flooding.
This environment is very dynamic, with a long history of large-scale environmental changes. These include migration of the braided Dart and Rees rivers across their floodplains, growth of the Dart and Rees deltas (landform created by sediment carried down the river to where it enters the lake), and common stream activity across the many alluvial fans.
As the Dart and Rees deltas continue to grow into the lake, the flood risk for the Glenorchy and Kinloch areas increases, and riverbed levels rise with ongoing sediment deposits. In addition, climate change is expected to bring more frequent and heavier rainfalls, increasing the flood hazard from the rivers and lake. The impact of these on people living in these areas is expected to worsen, particularly for low-lying lakefront areas and floodplains.
Model results for a flooding scenario at Glenorchy, these are coloured by floodwater depth.
A paper presented to the ORC Data and Information Committee (DAIC) in June 2022 presents a summary of recent findings and an update on other ORC work towards this adaptation project. This paper is available here.
The natural hazards in the head of Lake Wakatipu area present a difficult challenge – because of the number and complexity of the multiple natural hazard threats in the area, and the fact that future climate and landscape changes will increase the potential consequences.
ORC has previously undertaken engineering works to address natural hazards issues such as flooding and river management. While engineering works provide temporary benefits, they are unlikely to be sustainable financially or environmentally in the long run.
An adaptation approach will provide the ability to develop a more comprehensive strategic response – this will involve a range of hazard management interventions, and both short-term and longer-term responses.
Our project objective summarises the goal of the adaptation project: “To provide a framework to actively manage risks associated with natural hazards for the resilience of the area located at the Head of Lake Wakatipu, including Glenorchy and Kinloch.”
The ‘Adaptation Pathways’ approach has been developed by the Ministry for the Environment as a blueprint for community-led decision making in areas affected by natural events and climate change. The approach will help plan and adapt to situations where the future is uncertain. It allows for flexible and adaptive decision-making, and for planning under conditions of uncertainty on the rate, timeframes and magnitude of future changes.
The Adaptation Pathways guidance is structured as a 10-step decision cycle, organised around five key questions (Figure below);
Figure 1: 10-step decision cycle, Coastal Hazards and Climate Change (MfE).
The project started in mid-2019, with preparation work to plan the project approach and scope.
The following stages of the Adaptation Pathways process have involved an extensive programme of work over the past two years to build on our natural hazards understanding. The main work activities or the project to date are summarised in the figure below, showing where they fit within the Adaptation Pathways cycle.
We have also held two community drop-in sessions to discuss the project and the natural hazards in this area. These have helped us receive local feedback to ensure community views and local hazards knowledge are taken into account.
The new studies recently completed add to our knowledge and now provide a level of detail to inform adaptation decision-making by the community, local government and central government
ORC’s next project steps (5 and 6 in the graphic) will identify and evaluate ‘pathways’ of adaptation actions through engagement with the local community and other key project partners such as QLDC.
One of these studies is already underway - Damwatch Engineering Ltd are assessing possible strategies for mitigation of floodplain hazards at the Dart and Rees rivers and Glenorchy.
Next steps are to work towards a preferred strategy of adaptation in engagement with the local community and other key project partners such as QLDC.
Community input is central to the Adaptation Pathways approach, and it is our intention to involve and incorporate your feedback in all stages of this project.
So far, and despite some disruptions due to Covid-19, these have included:
Our regular (monthly) community newsletter is another way we are aiming to keep you updated on the project. Sign up or view previous newsletters here.
The new natural hazards findings were presented in an online meeting on 2 June, and there will be further opportunities to discuss these in more detail over the next months.
The upcoming Data and Information Committee (DAIC) meeting will be streamed on the ORC YouTube channel.
If anyone has any questions or concerns or would like to contact the project team for any reason, feel free to contact the ORC Natural Hazards Manager, Jean-Luc Payan, on 0800 474 082 or email us for more information at This email will go to our Natural Hazards team, and we will provide responses to any emailed questions, and facilitate answers from our consultants if needed.
Environmental monitoring of rainfall, river flows and lake levels provides a highly important dataset for understanding of flooding events and for flood warning.
In the last two years, we have installed two new monitoring stations at Glenorchy and one in the Rees Valley. These are:
These three new sites were all proposed by the community following the February 2020 flooding as actions to improve awareness of flood hazard.
Together with two older ORC monitoring sites in the Dart Valley, the current environmental monitoring network provides greatly improved monitoring coverage – this is summarised in the image below.
All of these sites are telemetered and their near real-time data can be viewed on ORC’s WaterInfo webpage.
We are working closely with QLDC on this project as they are a partner with us. We share all natural hazards findings with them.
Planned follow up in-person discussions in late June.
And other opportunities for community input (as many as needed) with the community throughout this adaptation process.
These will be opportunities to discuss findings and let us know your feedback – we will value your input to make sure any plans reflect community values. Our information is regularly updated and can be found here.
You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter here or contact us on We will provide responses to any emailed questions and facilitate answers from our consultants if needed.
ORC, with partners including QLDC, are leading the adaptation strategy for the head of Lake Wakatipu following a ten-step decision-making adaptation pathways cycle (pictured below), based on the Ministry for Environment’s national guidance. This is a strategic, holistic approach working together with community; community and stakeholder input and collaboration is central to the Adaptation Pathways approach.
Hazards investigations including these two new reports are steps to better understand natural hazards and their risks, and provide a solid basis for any decision-making.
The next steps (5 and 6 in the cycle shown above) will identify and evaluate ‘pathways’ of adaptation actions.
One of these actions includes a study is already underway by Damwatch Engineering Ltd to assess possible strategies for mitigation of floodplain hazards at the Dart and Rees rivers and Glenorchy.
We will have follow up sessions (as many as needed) with the community throughout this adaptation process. These will be opportunities to discuss findings and let us know your feedback – we value your input.
Feel free to contact the ORC Natural Hazards Manager, Jean-Luc Payan, on 0800 474 082 or email us for more information at This email will go to our Natural Hazards team, and we will provide responses to any emailed questions, and facilitate answers from our consultants if needed.
You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter here, which details news, activities, and upcoming community sessions.
The scope of the Glenorchy and Kinloch Natural Hazards Risk Analysis study was to investigate risks from selected natural hazards by assessing a range of hazard scenarios.
The risk analysis was based on natural hazards investigations previously completed for ORC. These include the flooding and liquefaction hazard assessments
The scope of the Assessment of Floodplain Intervention Options study was to investigate possible interventions to manage risks from flooding and erosion in the lower Rees River area by the Glenorchy township, the Dart River floodplain, and in the upper Rees River area by the Rees River bridge.
The findings from the risk analysis, floodplain intervention options, findings from previous studies, and community feedback, will all be used to help develop the final Head of Lake Whakatipu Adaptation Strategy in 2025.
August 2024
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August 2024
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August 2024
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We have applied the risk assessment process and risk categories that are defined in the Otago Regional Policy Statement (2021). The Regional Policy Statement gives us a common approach to natural hazard risk assessment across the region and allows us to compare results between different places.
The labels used in the risk analysis to describe levels of risk are a bit different to how we would normally use these words in everyday life. These labels - ‘Acceptable, Tolerable, and Significant’ - will be used consistently in all natural hazards risk assessments ORC is completing across the region.
Every community will have what we call a different ‘tolerance’ for risk. The definition of ‘tolerance’ is based on different factors like individual and community resilience, how much disruption is considered ok, impacts on health and wellbeing, impacts on important sites or places, and the community’s experiences of past events.
The risk description labels ‘Acceptable, Tolerable, and Significant’ were developed with technical advice from risk specialists at GNS Science. You can find the full explanation of how we use a four-step process to determine the natural hazard risk in the Otago Regional Policy Statement (2021) on page 208.