Consultations and feedback are an important part of the democratic process.

Consultations are a formal way of having your voice heard and a key way for the regional council to learn your feedback. They guide outcomes in our policies, plans and strategies for Otago.

On this page are any plans and projects currently open for public feedback. This page also includes consultation on plans and policy statements that are required by the Resource Management Act 2019 (RMA). 

Currently open for feedback

We want to know what you think about proposed plans, policy statements or plan changes. How will they impact you? Do the proposals work for your community? What do you like about the proposals? What do you think needs to change? These are currently open for your feedback:

Please note we consult on our Annual Plan and Long-term Plan under the Local Government Act, and this follows a different process. You can find information on the Local Government Act on our Plans and Strategies page.

The five stages of the consultation process