The Otago Regional Council looks after Otago’s environment, ensuring activities comply with legislation. Learn about the council’s work, councillors representing you, and our partnership with mana whenua. Find upcoming council meetings, meeting agendas and reports.
Community involvement is important. Find upcoming events, workshops, Council meetings and projects open for your participation and feedback.
The Otago Regional Council works with communities to preserve native animals and plants, and guard against pests. We ensure natural resources – such as our water, air and land are cared for. Our harbourmaster keeps people safe on the water.
We promote sustainable behaviours towards natural resources. The Resource Management Act 1991 sets out how we should manage our environment and forms the foundation for many of our rules. Learn about consents and compliance, get help or report environmental concerns.
Natural hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides, can harm communities. Learn how the Council works to identify risks and help communities coordinate, prepare, respond in emergencies and recover.
Go online and report pollution, apply for a consent, complete applications, sort out your rates and more.
Thursday 6 March 2025
1pm - 3:30pm
Venue: Philip Laing House, Council Chamber, Level 2, 144 Rattray Street, Dunedin
2025.03.06 Audit & Risk Agenda