Wednesday 25 September 2024
11:15AM - 5PM
Venue: ORC Council Chamber Level 2, Philip Laing House 144 Rattray St, Dunedin
The Council meeting covers annual reports from the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust, Otago Catchment Community, and Wilding Conifer Control Groups. Updates include the South Dunedin Future risk assessment, Annual Plan 2025–26 process, and a six-monthly report to the Minister on Otago’s planning framework. Discussions include Standing Orders updates, financial reporting, and ministerial correspondence.
Meeting Date: 25 September 2024
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
No apologies were received at the time of agenda publication.
3. Public Forum
4. Confirmation of Agenda
The agenda to be confirmed as published.
5. Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.
The Register of Pecuniary Interests can be found on the ORC Website.
6. Confirmation of Minutes
7. Presentations
8. Actions (Status of Council Resolutions)
9. Chairperson's and Chief Executive's Reports
9.1 Chairperson's Report
9.2 Chief Executive's Report
10. Matters for Consideration
10.1 Six-monthly Report to the Minister on Recommendations to Develop a Fit-for-Purpose Planning Framework for Otago
To present for approval by Council, the tenth progress report to the Minister for the Environment, in accordance with section 27 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
10.2 Annual Plan 2025-2026 Process
This report communicates the Annual Plan 2025-2026 (AP) process.
10.3 South Dunedin Future - Risk Assessment Update and Programme Changes
This report provides an update on technical work relating to the South Dunedin Risk Assessment and associated implications for the South Dunedin Future programme.
10.4 Standing Orders
To consider an administrative update to Council’s Standing Orders.
11. Resolution to Exclude the Public
That the public be excluded from the following items under LGOIMA 48(1)(a):
11.1 Public Exclusion Table
12. Closure