Wednesday 20 March 2024
11:30AM - 5PM
Venue: ORC Council Chamber Level 2, Philip Laing House 144 Rattray St, Dunedin
The Council meeting covers the Port Otago Interim Report, key reports, and resolution updates. Topics include the Long-Term Plan 2024–34, Waitaki River management, and ORC’s submission on the Dunedin Future Development Strategy. Other items include a ministerial update, subsidy changes, and delegation updates. Pierre Marasti will speak for Extinction Rebellion.
No apologies were received at the time of agenda publication.
Pierre Marasti has requested to speak regarding Extinction Rebellion.
Note: Any additions to the agenda must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.
Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have. The Register of Pecuniary Interests can be found on the ORC website.
Port Otago Interim Report
Confirming the minutes of the Council Meeting of 21 February 2024 as a true and accurate record.
Seeking Council’s approval of the ‘A Stronger Future for Otago – 2024-2034 Long-term Plan’ Consultation Document and supporting information.
Considering an approach, in partnership with Environment Canterbury and Te Rūnaka o Arowhenua, Te Rūnaka o Moeraki, and Te Rūnaka o Waihao, to manage the Waitaki River holistically as one catchment.
Seeking retrospective ratification of ORC’s submission to the Joint Hearing Panel for the draft Dunedin Future Development Strategy (FDS).
Presenting for approval by Council, the ninth progress report to the Minister for the Environment, in accordance with section 27 of the RMA 1991 regarding recommendations made under section 24A of the RMA.
Assessing the impact on passenger numbers and revenue of the government’s half-price fares policy (April 2022 - June 2023) and Community Connect Extension policy (July 2023 - present) and considering options for retaining or discontinuing these policies after the government’s subsidy ends on 30 April 2024.
Amending Council’s Delegations Manual to provide delegations to staff for Freshwater Farm Plans under Part 9A of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).