Cr Kevin Malcolm has submitted apologies for this meeting.
3. Public Forum
Mr Ray Parker will speak about the Taieri Flood and Drainage Scheme and rates increases.
4. Confirmation of Agenda
5. Declaration of Interests
6. Confirmation of Minutes
6.1 Minutes of the 26 April 2023 Council Meeting
7. Open Actions from Resolutions of 2022-2025 Council Meetings
8. Matters for Consideration
8.1 Annual Plan 2023/24 Adoption - To adopt the Annual Plan 2023/24 and enable staff to present the rating resolution at the 28 June 2023 Council meeting.
8.2 Funding for Upper Clutha Wilding Group - To approve funding for wilding conifer control in the Upper Clutha Area.
8.3 Requesting an Extension for Decisions on Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement - To request an extension to submit decisions from the Minister for the Environment.
8.4 ECO Fund Recommendations and Incentives Fund - To approve funding for ECO Fund applications and additional Incentives Funding for March 2023 round.
8.5 Draft Submission on National Direction on Renewable Energy Generation and Electricity Transmission - To submit a response on the Ministry’s consultation paper.
8.6 LGNZ Conference and AGM Attendance 2023 - To agree on attendance from ORC at the Local Government New Zealand conference and AGM.
9. Recommendations Adopted at Committee Meetings
9.1 Recommendations of the Environmental Implementation Committee (11 May 2023)
9.2 Recommendations of the Public and Active Transport Committee (10 May 2023)
10. Chairperson's and Chief Executive's Reports
10.1 Chairperson's Report
10.2 Chief Executive's Report
10.2.1 LWRP Monthly Report - April 2023
10.2.2 Response to MfE on Vegetable Growing
11. Resolution to Exclude the Public
Confidential minutes of the 26 April 2023 Council Meetings
Chief Executive performance agreement and review timetable 2023/24
12. Closure
Documents Included
Minutes of the 26 April 2023 Council Meeting
Annual Plan 2023/24 Draft
Funding for Upper Clutha Wilding Group Proposal
Otago Regional Policy Statement Progress Report
ECO Fund Applications for March 2023
Draft Submission on National Direction on Renewable Energy Generation