Environmental Science and Policy Committee Agenda - 29 June 2023
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
Cr Bryan Scott is a tentative apology for this meeting.
3. Public Forum
4. Confirmation of Agenda
5. Declaration of Interests
6. Confirmation of Minutes
6.1 Minutes of the 26 April 2023 Meeting
7. Matters for Consideration
7.1 Contact Recreation Report 2022/2023 - Update on the monitoring of water quality for human health risks in Otago's rivers, lakes, and coastal waters during the 2022-2023 bathing season.
7.2 Estuary SoE Programme Update 2023 - Update on the progress of the State of Environment Estuary Monitoring Programme.
7.3 Air Plan Review: Proposed Process and Timeframes - Information on the review of the Regional Plan: Air for Otago and proposed timeframes.
7.4 Annual Water Quality and Biomonitoring Results (SoE Report Cards) - Presentation of water quality and biomonitoring data from 2017 to 2022.
7.5 Vulnerable Ecosystems in Otago - Overview of Otago’s diverse ecosystems and biodiversity work underway at ORC.
7.6 Otago Lakes Management Approach - Update on activities to better manage Otago lakes and water bodies, including recommendations from the Otago Lakes Management Review.
7.7 Water Quality State and Trends - Lakes, Rivers, and Groundwater - Report on the state and trends of water quality in the Otago region from 2002 to 2022.