Council meeting

Council Meeting - 29 January

Wednesday 29 January 2020


Council meeting covering presentations by catchment group leaders, future support for catchment groups, and key decisions on the Otago Regional Transport Committee's terms of reference and membership, ratification of the Otago Local Authorities' Triennial Agreement, and submissions on the Resource Management Act review and Urban Development Bill. Notable reports include the updated Regional Policy Statement communications plan and a report from the communications working party. Public-excluded items include Plan Change 6AA and the Lake Wakatipu public water ferry service business case.

Council meeting agenda
29 January 2020

  1. Apologies
    No apologies were received prior to publication of the agenda.

  2. Attendance
    Staff present will be identified.

  3. Confirmation of agenda
    Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

  4. Conflict of interest
    Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

  5. Public forum
    Members of the public may request to speak to the council.

  6. Presentations
    Catchment group leaders Randall Aspinall, Geoff Crutchley, Lloyd McCall, and Lyndon Strang will present information to the councillors.

  7. Confirmation of minutes
    7.1 Minutes of the 11 December 2019 council meeting
    7.2 Minutes of the 7 January 2020 council meeting

  8. Actions
    Status of council resolutions.

  9. Chairperson's and chief executive's reports
    9.1 Chairperson's report
    9.2 Chief executive's report

  10. Matters for council decision

10.1 Future support for catchment groups

10.2 Otago Regional Transport Committee terms of reference and membership
To propose terms of reference and recommend membership for the Otago Regional Transport Committee (RTC).

  • Terms of reference for the RTC

10.3 Ratify the Otago Local Authorities' Triennial Agreement
Ratification of the Otago Local Authorities' Triennial Agreement 2020-22, including terms of reference for the Otago Mayoral Forum.

  • Otago Local Authorities' Triennial Agreement 2020–2022
  • Local Government Act 2002 S15 and S16

10.4 ORC submission on Resource Management Act review
To approve the draft ORC submission on the Resource Management Act 1991 review "Opportunities for Change and Options" paper.

  • Proposed ORC response to MfE on RMA review paper

10.5 ORC submission on the Urban Development Bill
To approve the draft ORC submission on the Urban Development Bill.

  • Draft submission on the Urban Development Bill
  • Specified development project process
  1. Matters for noting

11.1 Documents signed under council seal
To inform the council on documents signed under the council seal during the period 25 September 2019 to date.

11.2 Updated Regional Policy Statement communications and engagement plan
To note the updated RPS communications and engagement plan.

  • Updated communications plan – RPS

11.3 Report from the communications working party (17 January 2020 meeting)
Cr Laws will report back to the councillors on matters discussed at the 17 January 2020 communication working party meeting.

  1. Report back from councillors
    Councillors may update the members on council-related business undertaken since the previous council meeting.

  2. Recommendations adopted at committee meetings
    13.1 Strategy and planning committee resolutions adopted on 22 January 2020

  3. Resolution to exclude the public
    The meeting may move into public excluded session to consider:

  • Plan Change 6AA - adoption of commissioner recommendations under LGOIMA (48(1)(d), 48(2)(a)(i))
  • Lake Wakatipu public water ferry service business case under LGOIMA (48(1)(a), 7(2)(i))

14.1 Public excluded reason and grounds

  1. Resolution to resume meeting in public

  2. Closure