Wednesday 26 February 2020
Council meeting covering a proposed change to the Regional Public Transport Plan for a Lake Wakatipu ferry service trial, updates to the Otago Regional Council Navigation Safety Bylaw for public consultation, and a submission on the Taumata Arowai – Water Services Regulator Bill. Key decisions include the Eco Fund decision panel selection for March 2020 and a request for ministerial call-in for Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) and Plan Change 8 (Discharge Management). Notable items for noting include Otago's recognition as a United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise for sustainability and the 2020 Strategic Plan workshop programme.
Council meeting agenda
26 February 2020
No apologies were received prior to the publication of the agenda.
Staff present will be identified.
Confirmation of agenda
Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.
Conflict of interest
Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.
Public forum
Requests to speak should be made to the Committee Secretary on 0800 474 082 or at least 24 hours prior to the meeting; however, this requirement may be waived by the Chairperson. No such requests were received prior to distribution of the agenda.
There are no presentations scheduled for this meeting.
Confirmation of minutes
The Council will consider minutes of previous council meetings as a true and accurate record.
7.1 Minutes of previous council meetings
Status of council resolutions.
Chairperson's and chief executive's reports
9.1 Chairperson's report
9.2 Chief executive's report
Matters for decision
10.1 Proposed change to the regional public transport plan
To seek Council direction on amending the RPTP to enable a Lake Wakatipu ferry service trial.
10.2 Navigation safety bylaw update 2020
To consider options for an updated Otago Regional Council navigation safety bylaw with a view to endorsing a preferred option for public consultation.
10.3 Taumata Arowai - the water services regulator bill submission
To seek Council endorsement to submit on Taumata Arowai - the Water Services Regulator Bill.
10.4 Eco fund decision panel - March 2020
To inform the timelines of the March 2020 funding round of the Eco Fund and the requirement that three councillors are selected for the Eco Fund decision panel prior to the funding round.
10.5 Request for ministerial call-in
To consider requesting the Minister for the Environment call in Plan Change 7 – Water Permits, and Plan Change 8 – Discharge Management under section 142 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
11.1 Otago: UN regional centre of expertise for sustainability
To note the confirmation of Otago as a United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) on education for sustainable development and noting ORC's continued partnership.
11.2 Proposed programme of strategic plan workshops for 2020
To set out the purpose and scope for a review of the Otago Regional Council Strategic Plan.
Report back from councillors
Councillors may update the members on council-related business undertaken since the previous council meeting.
Resolution to exclude the public
That the public be excluded from consideration of the following items:
13.1 Public excluded reason and grounds