The Neck Wetlands

Description: Several peaty wetlands occurring in depressions among the basement bedrock. These wetlands occur in distinct steps with a significant stream linking two large wetland areas. Makarore/Makarora-Lake Hawea Road (SH6) transects the area occupied by the wetlands. 90

Type/Class: Not identified.

Size: 11.4 ha.

Altitude: 320 - 340 m above sea level.

Approximate location: Approx. 1km Northwest of the intersection of Makarore/Makarora-Lake Hawea Road (SH6) and Meads Road, Hawea. NZTM (centre point): E1296510 N5072680.

Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Schedule 9 Regionally Significant Wetland, no.150, Map F2.

Territorial Authority: Queenstown Lakes District Council.


Interactive map of The Neck Wetlands

Recorded Values

Value Description
A3 High diversity of wetland habitat types. Shrubland dominated wetlands, sedge and rush dominated wetland, and tall raupo dominated wetland. 90
A4 High degree of wetland naturalness. Although many exotic plants are present, the wetlands retain a high degree of natural character. 90
A1, A2, A5 - A9 No relevant information is currently held by the ORC.


Other Information

  • The higher rocky ground surrounding the wetlands shows evidence of repeated fire and now supports a dense cover of bracken, tutu, Leucopogon fraseri, exotic grasses and the odd exotic broom (Cytisus scoparius). 90

  • The wetlands situated to the Southwest of SH6 (the ‘lower’ wetlands) are located within the Manuhaea Conservation Area, while the wetland area on the opposite site of SH6 (the ‘upper’ wetlands) is located on the Hunter Valley Station Pastoral Lease. 90

  • The upper wetlands have scattered shrubs of Coprosma propinqua and manuka, and occasional cabbage trees around the margins. The flora is a diverse mixture of native and exotic plants. Common native plants include mountain flax, toetoe, Carex maorica, C. sinclairii, C. secta, Schoenus pauciflorus, Eleocharis acuta, Epilobium pallidiflorum and raupo (Typha orientalis). Ferns present include Pneumatopteris pennigera and Blechnum chambersii. 90

  • The lower wetland is more strongly dominated by raupo with some concentrations of large (up to 1.5 m tall) Carex secta. 90

  • Common weeds include Juncus effusus, J. articulatus, Lotus pedunculatus, Cirsium arvense, Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa, Trifolium pratense, Ranunculus trichophyllus and Mentha spicata. 90



Aerial view of The Neck Wetlands (March 2006)



Raupo and sedge-dominated lower wetland, The Neck Wetlands 90



Upper wetland with scattered woody remnants around sedgeland, The Neck Wetlands 90



90 Department of Conservation (2010) Comments on the Consultative Draft Proposed Plan Change 2 (Regionally Significant Wetlands) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Department of Conservation - Otago Conservancy, Dunedin.