Waipori Boot Swamp

Description: An old oxbow of the Taieri River. 1

Type/Class: Swamp 2

Size: 11.3 ha.

Altitude: 0-20 m above sea level.

Approximate location: 1 km Northeast of the intersection of Taieri Plains Highway and Taieri Ferry Road, Henley. NZTM (centre point): E1378270 N4902860

Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Schedule 9 Regionally Significant Wetland, no.166, Map F44 & 45.

Territorial Authority: Dunedin City Council.


Interactive map of Waipori Boot Swamp

Recorded Values

Value Description
 A1 Habitat for nationally or internationally rare or threatened species or communities. Habitat for threatened Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) and the Marsh Crake (Porzana pusilla affinis). 1
 A5 Scarce in Otago in terms of its ecological or physical character. Less than 15% of swamps remain in Otago. 2
A7 High diversity of indigenous wetland flora and fauna. A high diversity of waterfowl species present.1
A2-A4, A6, A8, A9 No relevant information is currently held by the ORC.



Other Information

  • A Wildlife Management Reserve under the administration of the Department of Conservation. 1

  • Listed as an Area of Significant Conservation Value in the Dunedin City District Plan. Described as a lagoon with rush and sedge swamp, broadleaved tree swamp and lowland swamp, and of regional significance. 28
Aerial view of Waipori Boot Swamp (March 2006)



1 Otago Regional Council (2004) Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Published by the Otago Regional Council, Dunedin.

2. Ausseil, A.G., Newsome, P., Johnson, P, (2008) Wetland Mapping in the Otago Region. Landcare Research Contract Report prepared for the Otago Regional Council.

28. Dunedin City Council (1999) Dunedin City District Plan. Published by the Dunedin City Council, Dunedin.