Description: Two lowland valley floor wetlands at close distance (300 m) from each other. The western-most wetland is predominantly a raised bog wetland, but has a fen character where water flows between two peat domes. The western side of this wetland is bounded by cultivated land, while a tributary of the Mokoreta River flows along the eastern margin. The eastern wetland is a slightly raised bog but varies in composition. This wetland is currently surrounded by a row of mature pine trees and the wetland and trees are fenced to exclude stock. 89
Type/Class: Bog and fen. 89
Size: 16.3 ha.
Altitude: 180 - 220 m above sea level.
Approximate location: 4 km Southeast of the intersection of Cairn Road and Slopedown Road, Clinton.
NZTM (centre point): E1311600 N4862300.
Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Schedule 9 Regionally Significant Wetland, no.157, Map F30.
Territorial Authority: Clutha District Council.
Value | Description |
A4 | High degree of wetland naturalness. The eastern wetland meets criterion A4, as a wetland with a high degree of naturalness. The middle and southern parts of the western wetland also meet criterion A4, as despite grazing effects in the middle part of the wetland, indigenous composition and structure remains relatively intact over much of the wetland extent. 89 |
A5 | Scarce in Otago in terms of its ecological or physical character. Lowland valley floor bog wetlands were once typical of this part of South Otago, but are now becoming increasingly rare in this area. Wetlands of this type are also rarely found elsewhere in the Otago region. 89 |
A1 - A3, A6 - A7 | No relevant information is currently held by the ORC. |
89 Grove, P. (1994) Maniototo Ecological District. Survey Report for the Protected Natural Areas Programme. NZ Protected Natural Area Programme 30. Published by the Department of Conservation, Dunedin.