Get tips for good practices in your farm management

How you can protect waterways 

Regardless of whether you reside in a rural area or in a town or city, you can do your bit to safeguard Otago’s water bodies.  For urban residents, you can help prevent contaminants such as soil from construction and development activities, litter, and food waste from entering the stormwater network and ultimately reaching natural water bodies.  

If you are a farmer or rural land user, you can mitigate soil, nutrient and microbial losses to water bodies by adopting good management practices (GMPs). Common GMPs include strategic grazing, nutrient budgets and establishing well-vegetated buffer zones next to water bodies.  

Catchment Advisors

Our Catchment Advisors are dedicated to supporting Otago landowners, catchment groups and community organisations through on-the-ground programmes that enhance catchment outcomes. Catchment Advisors work towards improving water quality, biodiversity (flora and fauna) and land management practices.

Each Advisor is responsible for one or two of Otago’s Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) or rohe (area). If you want to discuss methods to assess and improve water quality, you can contact us by: 

  • emailing to arrange a site meeting with your local Catchment Advisor 
  • attending one of our events, such as Intensive Winter Grazing workshops and Stormwater Community Days – keep an eye on ORC’s Events page

Helpful information

Riparian planting guides 

Riparian zones are the land margin beside a creek, river, lake or wetland. Planting native grasses, sedges, flaxes, shrubs and/or trees in riparian zones can improve the health of Otago’s waterways by filtering contaminants, providing shade and enhancing native biodiversity.

Plant maintenance guide

Maintenance methods