First, check whether your organisation and project are eligible

The ECO Fund supports community projects that protect, enhance or promote Otago’s environment. Find out if your project is eligible.

If you have received a grant from us in the past, make sure your final report has been accepted. 

Scope your project by outlining its objectives, location, timeline, activities, outputs and monitoring

  • It is easier for us to assess well-defined projects. Be clear about the scope of your project, what you plan to do and why
  • If your project is part of a bigger programme, please explain which components you are seeking ECO Fund support for
  • You will be asked to report on your project’s outputs (what you actually deliver) – make sure your project outputs are achievable
  • It is important for your project to have long-term benefits – think about how you will maintain and monitor your project outcomes

Check how your application will be assessed

The guide on our ECO fund assessment criteria page can help you answer the application form.

Good financial budgeting

  • Prepare a realistic budget. You will need to report on your project’s budget and the use of the funding
  • One of the assessment criteria evaluates a project’s value for money (for example, how much work will be undertaken for the ECO Fund level of investment, consider how much your group will contribute – either in-kind or cash), so consider this when developing your budget. Check out the ECO Fund assessment criteria
  • Funding of salary costs is capped at 50%. If you are applying for salary costs, provide evidence of how the rest of the salary costs will be funded. The applicant’s contribution to salary could be from other grants, existing group funds, existing staff capacity or volunteer contributions allocated to the same project position
  • If you are successful with your application and GST registered you can include the GST cost in your invoice to us, but you should not include GST in your application
  • If you are successful with your application but NOT GST registered, you will not be able to invoice us for the GST amount. However, to cover this potential extra cost we will add the GST cost to your overall grant
  • Request quotes from suppliers well in advance as they may need time to get back to you

Check the ECO Fund application example

This document shows the questions in the 2024 ECO Fund application form, along with the amount and type of information expected. Please note that the bigger the project, the more information is usually required, but please be succinct and to the point!