The ECO Fund supports community projects that protect, enhance or promote Otago’s environment. Find out if your project is eligible.
If you have received a grant from us in the past, make sure your final report has been accepted.
To scope your project, you need to outline objectives, location, timeline, activities, outputs and monitoring.
Often community, catchment groups and individuals are involved in environmental enhancement projects such as wetland restorations, fencing of waterways, riparian planting or creating walkways for their communities.
Parts of these projects may require resource consents from the ORC or your city/district council.
Speak to the ORC consents team before applying to the ECO Fund to establish whether your project needs resource consent.
Email or phone 0800 474 082.
If your project requires resource consent from the ORC, it may qualify for funding of the consent application processing costs.
Find out more about consent information.
This funding does not currently cover flood protection bylaw fees.
Applying for funding of the consent application processing costs does not affect your eligibility to the ECO Fund.
The guide on our ECO fund assessment criteria page provides the list of things that we will be assessing your application against. Please make sure that your application shows how you meet each of these criteria.
GST Registered
Not GST Registered
This document shows the questions in the 2024 ECO Fund application form, along with the amount and type of information expected to give you an idea of how to fill out an application for the current funding round. You may see minor differences compared to the current form.
Please note that the bigger the project, the more information is usually required, but please be succinct and to the point!
Please go through this page to find useful links and documents that may help you complete a successful ECO Fund application.
We have put together answers to some of the frequently asked questions we get around ECO Fund applications.
Learn how you could use an ECO Fund grant to help support local environmental projects.
Before applying to the ECO Fund, check which funding category to apply for.
Check that you are eligible for an ECO Fund grant.
Understand the ECO Fund terms and conditions before you apply.