The ECO Fund is made up of six funding categories that aim to support our Otago community caring for the environment. 

Funding categories for 2025 round

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Funding category


Project funding limits

Large scale biodiversity projects

For more information regarding the priority tiers for these projects, see the Spatial Prioritisation informing Biodiversity Management in Otago report.

  • To protect and enhance native biodiversity.
  • To enable larger scale projects for significant biodiversity outcomes aligned with regional priorities.

Projects between $50,000 and $150,000

Total available - $450,000

General (on-ground and education)
  • To protect and enhance Otago’s environment.
  • To enable community-led environmental activities.

Projects – up to $50,000

Total available – $309,500

Sustained rabbit management

Rabbit control costs (trapping, poison, shooting, etc) will not be funded through this grant.

  • To manage rabbit populations in new or existing community programme areas.
  • To enable landowners and community to work together to manage rabbit populations.

Projects – up to $50,000

Total available – $100,000

Biodiversity enhancement on protected private land

For this fund, private land is defined as land not in public ownership i.e., freehold and/or Māori-owned land. 
It does not include Public Conservation Land, council reserves, LINZ-administered land e.g., Crown Pastoral Lease, or Pamu (Landcorp).
Protected private land could include covenants (such as QEII covenants or Ngā Whenua Rāhui kawenata), Significant Natural Areas or Regionally Significant Wetlands scheduled in District or Regional Plans.

  • To enhance existing protected areas of biodiversity on private land.
  • To enable private landholders to maintain existing biodiversity. 

Projects – up to $15,000

Total available – $100,000

Critical source area management on private land

Learn more about Critical source areas

  • To improve water quality.
  • To support private landholder to manage critical source areas for native biodiversity

Projects – up to $15,000

Total available – $50,000

Weed removal and revegetation

Weed removal can be for the removal of a pest plant, organism of interest or weed.

  • To improve native vegetation through removal of weeds / pest plants and rehabilitation.
  • To increase area of native terrestrial biodiversity.

Projects – up to $15,000

Total available – $50,000

Please check which funding categories your project is eligible for. You may only submit one application per funding round, and you will need to decide which funding category is best for your project.

If your application is eligible for more than one category, and it hasn’t ranked highly enough under the funding category applied under, we will move your application to the most suitable/undersubscribed category to give you the best chance of success.