Climate reports and publications

Otago Climate Change Risk Assessment

March 2021

Tonkin & Taylor Ltd


PDF | 8 MB

This report is a starting point for us all to work together to deal with climate change challenges. It talks about the first Otago Climate Change Risk Assessment (OCCRA), looking the climate is now and how it might change in the future. It also lists the biggest risks related to climate change for the region.

Otago Region Greenhouse Gas Profile

May 2021

PDF | 589 KB

Discussing how climate change is causing rising temperatures, higher sea levels, and more extreme weather in New Zealand. To combat this, the Otago Regional Council and EY developed a GHG Profile to identify and reduce major sources of emissions in the Otago Region.

Climate change key risk assessment tables

June 2021

PDF | 137 KB

Appendix 2 - Grouped highest risks for each domain

NIWA Climate change projections for the Otago Region

November 2019

National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)


PDF | 26 MB

Looking at expected changes in the climate of Otago, like changes in temperature and rainfall as far ahead as 2100.

National Climate Change Risk Assessment for New Zealand

September 2020

Ministry for the Environment (MfE)

ISBN: 978-1-98-857993-1

PDF | 1 MB

Report from Ministry of the Environment (MfE) presenting the findings of New Zealand’s first National Climate Change Risk Assessment (NCCRA). The risk assessment gives a national picture of how New Zealand may be affected by climate change-related hazards.


Land and water regional plan climate reports