The inventory provides baseline data to understand Otago’s emissions.

A greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory or profile is a collection of emission data for a certain time and area. We conducted the first Otago Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory to provide an overview of GHG emissions on Otago between July 2018 and June 2019.

Read full report here:

The inventory outlines what our biggest emitting sectors are in each district. It is an important first step towards reducing emissions in Otago.

Key findings from the inventory:

  • Agriculture industry, particularly sheep and beef activities, is the promary source of emissions in Otago across four of the five districts
  • Transport was the biggest emission source in the Queenstown Lakes district and a significant source in Dunedin
  • Electricity usage makes up a significant proportion of stationary energy emissions across all districts

Key figures:

Total gross emissions for Otago in 2018/19 5,821,025 tCO2e*
Total sequestration from Land Use, Land Change and Forestry 2,640,398 tCO2e
Net emissions for Otago in 2018/19 3,180,627 tCO2e

* tCO2e stands for ‘tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent’, the standard unit for greenhouse gas emissions.