Otago Regional Council
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ORC controls rooks from September to November each year. The success of this control programme relies on any rook sightings being reported so ORC staff can pinpoint where they are gathering, feeding and nesting in rookeries. If you see rooks contact 0800 474 082 | biosecurity@orc.govt.nz
September 2023
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Bennett’s wallabies are a serious pest issue that requires central and local government, iwi, farmers, landowners, and communities all working together to protect our region.
13 May 2021
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What’s the difference between a weed and a pest plant?
December 2024
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Giant hogweed is poisonous to humans, and exposure to dust or sap from the leaves or stem can cause skin irritation, blistering, and swelling. If you get the sap in your eyes, it can cause temporary or permanent blindness. Find out how to control Giant hogweed.