Great willowherb

Common name:  Great willowherb 
Scientific name:  Epilobium hirsutum
Management programme:  Unwanted organism


Report this pest!

If you have seen or suspect the presence of this pest you must report the sighting.

Report the sighting to Biosecurity New Zealand at 0800 80 99 66.

Why are they a pest?

Great willowherb is a highly invasive flowering weed that rapidly establishes in wet or damp environments, including wetlands, lakesides, riverbeds, and roadside ditches. It forms dense stands that crowd out native vegetation, disrupt natural ecosystems, and alter water flow. The plant spreads mainly by seed, which can be dispersed by wind, water, contaminated machinery, and footwear. Its thick rhizomes (thick underground stems) can also regenerate when disturbed, making it difficult to control. If left unmanaged, Great willowherb can cause significant damage to wetland habitats and biodiversity. 

Currently, Great willowherb has not been detected in Otago, but it is established in Canterbury, where it has been found in wetlands and lakesides. Surveillance in Otago is crucial to prevent its spread, particularly in high-risk areas like wetlands and other damp environments where it could establish and outcompete native species. 

What does it look like?

  • Size: Great willowherb grows up to 2 meters tall with upright, branched stems.
  • Appearance: It features obvious pink flowers, 2-3 cm in diameter, with a white centre and notched petals. 
    The leaves are willow-like, slightly hairy, arranged in pairs, and have toothed edges. 
    The plant produces long, narrow seed pods that split open to release small seeds with long white hairs.
  • Habitat: Found in wet or damp environments, including wetlands, lakesides, riverbeds, and roadside ditches.

When can I spot it best?

Great Willowherb is most visible when flowering from December through April.

What are the rules?

It is an offence to breed, knowingly communicate, exhibit, multiply, propagate, release, or sell, an unwanted organism (Biosecurity Act 1993).

What should I do?

Do not attempt to undertake control of great willowherb yourself. Notify Biosecurity NZ at 0800 80 99 66.

Help us find Great willowherb

You must notify Biosecurity NZ if you suspect the presence of this organism.

If you think you've seen Great willowherb:

  • Note the location.
  • Take a photo (if possible).
  • Report the sighting to Biosecurity New Zealand at 0800 80 99 66.

Management programme