
Common name:  Bomarea
Scientific name:  Bomarea caldasii, Bomarea multiflora
Management programme:  Progressive containment

Why is it a pest?

Even though its flowers are very pretty, if left uncontrolled, bomarea can smother and eventually destroy your favourite plants in your garden. Bomarea invades shrublands and the interiors of remnant forests — patches of native forest that have not been significantly disturbed by human activities. The vines grow into the tree canopy and form large masses, which overtop and smother the supporting trees. Seedlings can establish in the shade of forest interior, creeping along the ground, strangling saplings, and smothering low-growing species. Extensive infestations in the tree canopy alter light levels, which can kill mature trees and prevent the establishment of native species. 

Bomarea is present across Dunedin City, Otago Peninsula, and West Harbour, so if you are in these areas, keep an eye out and get rid of it. 

What does it look like?

  • Size: Bomarea is a climbing vine that can grow several metres tall. 
  • Leaves: Bomarea leaves are thin, pale green, long and pointed. 
  • Flowers: It has trumpet-shaped flowers that are produced in drooping clusters of 15–20 flowers. They are red on the outside and bright yellow with red spots on the inside. The fruit is a capsule that ripens and splits to reveal bright orange/red fleshy seeds, dispersed by birds. 
  • Root system: Underground, the plant consists of a long rhizome (an underground fleshy stem) with roots and tubers that look like potatoes. The size of the rhizome and tubers varies depending on the age of the plant. 
  • Habitat: Includes disturbed forests, forest margins, riparian margins (land that runs alongside a waterway, such as a river, stream, lake, or wetland) and shrublands. 

When can I spot it best?

Flowering can occur at any time, but primarily in early spring (September–October).

What are the rules?

To reduce the spread of bomarea and minimise or prevent negative effects on economic wellbeing and the environment, everyone in Otago must eliminate bomarea infestations on the land that they occupy. Bomarea is in the progressive containment programme of the Otago Regional Pest Management Plan (2019-2029). 

Bomarea is declared an Unwanted Organism in the National Pest Plant Accord (NPPA). This means it cannot be sold or be in a place where plants are being sold. It cannot be propagated, bred, multiplied, communicated, released, caused to be released, or otherwise spread.

How will we achieve that?

ORC will take a lead role in supporting the goals of community groups and agencies in relation to bomarea. This may be through advice, education, funding, service delivery or requiring landowners to undertake control when needed. 

What should I do?

Physical control: 

  • To prevent the spread of seed, remove all flowers and seed pods as they appear. Place seed pods in a black plastic bag, letting the sun cook the contents before disposing of them. 
  • Where possible, cut the vines and dig out all the rhizomes. Regrowth can occur from any rhizome fragments left in the soil.  

Chemical control: 

  • For small infestations, cut near the base of the stem and paste with a glyphosate, picloram or triclypor gel-based product. It is not recommended that these gels are used too close to valuable or desirable species. 
  • For larger infestations, use a broadleaf-specific foliar spray. When possible, take the infestation out of other foliage, bundle and spray directly. 
  • Follow up treated areas several times a year to treat any regrowth as necessary.  

Caution: When using any herbicide or pesticide, PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed. 

Note: Mention of product trade names does not endorse these products nor imply criticism of similar products not mentioned. The Otago Regional Council does not give any warranty that the information is accurate or complete or that it is suitable for all circumstances. 


Eliminate — the permanent prevention of the plant’s ability to set viable seed.

Land occupier — an occupier is the person who physically occupies the place, whether they own it or not.  For example, if you are renting a house owned by someone else who does not live on that property, you are the occupier and are responsible for pest management under the pest plan. You can see more about the responsibilities of occupiers (including owners) in 3.3.1 section 3.3.1 of the pest plan.

Management programme