
Common name:  Undaria, Wakame seaweed
Scientific name:  Undaria pinnatifida
Management programme:  Unwanted Organism

Why is it a pest?

Undaria is a highly invasive seaweed that can form dense underwater forests, outcompeting native species for light and space. It poses a significant threat to marine ecosystems and can be a nuisance for marine farms, increasing labour and harvesting costs due to fouling issues. The seaweed spreads by producing millions of spores and is frequently transported via biofouling on vessels.

Undaria is regionally established in Otago from the Waitaki down to Otago Peninsula. It has not been established from Otago Peninsula south to the Catlins.

What does it look like?

  • Size: Grows between 1–2 meters long.
  • Appearance: Brown, green, and yellow with a crinkly texture and a distinctive midrib running through the frond.
  • Distinctive features: Holdfast and Sporophyll attaches to surfaces via a holdfast and has a spiral reproductive sporophyll at the base.
  • Similar Species: Looks similar to native kelp Ecklonia radiata but has a more prominent midrib and distinctive sporophyll.
  • Habitat: Grows on hard surfaces including reefs, ropes, wharfs, vessel hulls, and moorings. It tolerates a broad range of temperatures and light levels and is prolific along the Otago coast.
Help us find Undaria

You must notify Biosecurity New Zealand if you suspect the presence of this organism south of the Otago Peninsula

When can I spot it best?

Late summer to early autumn (January to April in Southern Hemisphere). This period often coincides with peak settlement and when individuals are most visible. Growth is typically rapid during warmer months, making colonies more prominent.

What are the rules?

It is an offence to breed, knowingly communicate, exhibit, multiply, propagate, release, or sell, an unwanted organism (Biosecurity Act 1993).

How can I help?

ORC is currently developing a marine biosecurity programme and needs to obtain more information on species distributions before pursuing management options. If you think you have spotted Undaria please let us know by calling 0800 474 082 or emailing biosecurity@orc.govt.nz.

Preventing the spread of Undaria is the best strategy, as removal of invasive marine pests is both difficult and expensive.

Cleaning your craft and gear for biosecurity purposes is an important way to help protect the marine environment. Just as regular maintenance keeps your equipment in good condition, biosecurity cleaning keeps the ocean healthy for everyone.

The three main types of marine biosecurity cleaning for boaties are:

Management programme