Catchment Context, Challenges and Values (CCCV) Introduction


This information on Catchment Context, Challenges and Values (CCCV) will help you understand freshwater health, physical aspects of your catchment that affect freshwater health (i.e., topography, soil characteristics and climate), cultural values and practices that are associated with freshwater.  

The purpose of this information is to help you develop a Freshwater Farm Plan (FWFP). You can use CCCV information to understand and manage risks to the environment from your farming operation.  

What is a catchment?  

A catchment is an area with a natural boundary (ridges, hills or mountains) where all surface water drains to a common channel to form a river or creek.  

Why should I use this CCCV information? 

You need to show in your freshwater farm plan that you have had regard to the relevant CCCV information when identifying and assessing your farm operation risks to fresh water. You will also need this information to create an action plan to reduce or show how you are reducing the impact of identified risks from farming or growing activities on the freshwater environment. 

How to use this information 

The information provided here is to help you with creating a FWFP.  It should be used to inform your risk assessment and action plan to reduce the impact of identified risks to freshwater. To understand where the CCCV information fits into a FWFP, the guide to developing a FWFP on the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) webpage should be read first.