Processing consent applications is typically quicker and less costly if you have consulted with those who may be affected by the activity you want to carry out.

It is best practice for an Applicant to undertake consultation prior to lodging an application with the Otago Regional Council.

However, you do not need to do it before an application comes in if you do not think it is needed.

You can ensure you’ve carried out good consultation by:

  • giving people sufficient information to understand your proposal and the likely effects it may have on them
  • allowing sufficient time for them to assess and respond to the information
  • considering and taking into account their responses
  • Being constructive in your approach and fully explaining your proposal

Why consult?

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) does not require Applicants to consult with any affected persons before lodging a consent application. However, it is best practice for you to consult with others before the application comes in.

Who you should consult, and how much weight their opinion should be given, should relate to the size and effect of your proposed activity.

Consultation will identify both the potential and actual environmental effects. It will also act as a guide to the amount of public concern surrounding an application. Concerns can be discussed directly with the relevant parties and some areas of potential conflict defused prior to the application being made.

Although we don’t not have a statutory role in these discussions, we can help an applicant and any interested parties on clarification of any procedural matters. Email council staff if you’d like advice.

Applicants should consult with all affected parties and, if possible, obtain their written approval, particularly for limited notified applications (Section 95E of the Resource Management Act).


Potentially affected parties

Affected parties will depend on the location and type of activity, some of the typically affected parties in Otago include:

Department of Conservation

Visit the Department of Conservation website

  • Telephone: 03 4770 677
  • Interests include native fish species.

Fish and Game New Zealand

Visit the Fish and Game website

  • Telephone: 03 615 8400 - For catchments north of Shag Point, contact Central South Island Fish and Game Council. 
  • Telephone: 03 4779 076 - For all other catchments within Otago, contact Otago Fish and Game Council.
  • Interests include sport fish and game birds.

National Public Health Service

Visit the Public Health – Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora website

  • Telephone 03 450 9156 For Queenstown - Lakes and Central Otago (Frankton Office)
  • Telephone 03 476 9800 For all other parts of Otago (Dunedin Office)
  • Interests include potable water supplies, water used for recreation, sewage, and air quality

City and district councils

Dunedin City Council - Tel: 03 477 400
Visit the Dunedin City Council website

Clutha District Council - Tel: 03 418 1350
Visit the Clutha District Council website

Central Otago District Council - Tel: 03 448 6979
Visit the Central Otago District Council website

Queenstown Lakes District Council - Tel: 03442 7330
Visit the Queenstown Lakes District Council website

Waitaki District Council - Tel: 03 434 8060
Visit the Waitaki District Council website

Interests include potable water supplies and where land is being subdivided or significant structures are being constructed. If a resource consent is required from both the Otago Regional Council and the City or District Council, the applications may have to be considered jointly.

Iwi via Aukaha

Level 2
266 Hanover St
Telephone: (03) 477 0071
Post: PO Box 446, Dunedin 9054

Areas of special interest to Kāi Tahu are:

  • Any activity in the coastal environment
  • Any activity on the surface of water
  • The disposal of effluent
  • Any activity that results in the removal of indigenous vegetation
  • Any activity that is located within 20m of the mean high-water springs or within 20m of a river, lake or wetland
  • The disturbance of land if it affects:
    • Landscapes of importance to Kāi Tahu
    • Sites of significance wāhi tapu (sacred site or place) and wāhi taoka (valued possession, treasure eg. lake, river, Māori language)

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

Visit the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga website

Otago/Southland Area Office
P.O. Box 5467

Ph. 03 477 9871
Fax. 03 477 3893

Interests include archaeological sites (for example: Māori, European or Chinese pre-1900 AD) and built heritage.


These include adjacent landowners and downstream users.

Interests include water takes and discharges.