There are both regional and national rules that may apply to doing works in and around rivers, lakes, and wetlands.
It is important to be aware of the relevant rules when carrying out any activities that may impact on our waterways, as they are designed to restore and protect them.
March 2025
PDF | 4 MB
This fact sheet will help you identify rivers and other features which convey water on your property, as well as help you understand what you need to do under different regulations.
September 2021
PDF | 227 KB
This fact sheet educates about wetlands, including what qualifies as a "natural wetland" under national law. It offers guidance on activities like drainage and restoration and outlines relevant Water Plan rules. The aim is to help individuals manage and preserve wetlands effectively.
If you are planning to carry out any work in or around a river, lake, or wetland, and you are unsure what rules may apply to your activity, we’re here to help. If you would like more information about the rules and how they might affect you please, call 0800 474 082 or email
You can also book an in-person appointment with a member of our dedicated Resource Consent Public Enquiries team.
We work with the community to ensure the sustainable use of our natural resources. One such way is by ensuring the safe and sustainable extraction of alluvium (rock, gravel, sand and silt).
If you have a wetland on your property, there are different rules depending on the type of wetland (Regionally Significant Wetland and/or a natural wetland) and what activity you are proposing to do in or near the wetland.
A dam's safety is dependent on its design and construction, how it is operated, and how its maintained.
New Zealand has more than 50 species of native freshwater and sports fish. It’s important that in-stream structures such as culverts and weirs are designed to allow for fish passage.
If you want to undertake stream clearance at any scale, you will require resource consent.
Find out about standards for traps, if you need a resource consent and to access an application form.
Willows are a group of introduced tree species that were brought to New Zealand in the early 1800s and widely planted for bank stability.