Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited - RM20.024

Public notice is hereby given pursuant to S.95A Resource Management Act 1991 that the following application for resource consent has been received by Otago Regional Council.


Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited – Macraes Flat

Application No. RM20.024

To undertake various activities associated with the Deepdell North Stage III Project. The proposal is requires consent under the following rules:

Deepdell North Stage III Pit

Consent Number and Type


Activity Status

Rule and Plan

RM20.024.01: Water Permit

Take surface water and groundwater from the Deepdell North Stage III Pit for the purpose of dewatering and for dust suppression

Restricted Discretionary





Surface water Take: Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule


Groundwater Take: Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule

RM20.024.02: Discharge Permit

To discharge rainfall run off water and associated contaminants to land in a manner that may enter groundwater from the mined pit surface within Deepdell North Stage III pit for the purpose of constructing and operating and open pit mine. 





Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule 12.B.4.2 and Regional Plan: Waste for Otago rule 6.6.1(1)

RM20.024.03: Land Use Consent

To disturb, deposit onto or into an approximately 480 metre length of the bed of an unnamed tributary of Camp Creek for the purpose of establishing a drainage network and stockpiles.


Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule


Water Permit

To permanently divert water from an unnamed tributary of Camp Creek for the purpose of establishing a drainage network and stockpiles.


Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule

RM20.024.12: Land Use Consent

To disturb a contaminated site for the purpose of creating Deepdell North Stage III Pit.


Regional Plan: Waste for Otago rule 5.6.1

RM20.024.05: Land Use Consent

To permanently reclaim the bed of an unnamed tributary of Camp Creek, and an unnamed tributary of Highlay Creek for the purpose of creating a drainage network, stockpiles and the  waste rock stack


Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule


Deepdell North Stage III Pit Lake

Consent Number and Type


Activity Status

Rule and Plan

RM20.024.06: Water Permit

To dam water in Deepdell North Stage III Pit for the purpose of creating the Deepdell North Pit Lake


Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule

RM20.024.07: Water Permit

To take surface water for the purpose of creating the Deepdell North Pit Lake




Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule


Deepdell East Waste Rock Stack and Deepdell South (Pit Backfill) Waste Rock Stack

Consent Number and Type


Activity Status

Rule and Plan

RM20.024.08: Discharge Permit

To discharge waste rock to land where it (and the resulting contaminants) may enter surface and groundwater for the purposes of constructing and operating a waste rock stack.








Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule  12.B.4.2; and Regional Plan: Waste for Otago rule 6.6.1(1)

RM20.024.09: Land Use Consent

To disturb, deposit, onto or into an approximately 350 m of the ephemeral bed and approximately 130 metres of the intermittent bed of an unnamed tributary of Highlay Creek for the purposes of constructing a waste rock stack


Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule

RM20.024.10: Land Use Consent

To disturb the bed, deposit into the bed and place a 51 metre long culvert and embankment structure into the bed of an unnamed tributary of Highlay Creek for the purposed of realigning Horse Flat Road


Regional Plan: Water for Otago rule


Discharge to Air

Consent Number and Type


Activity Status

Rule and Plan

RM20.024.11: Discharge Permit

To discharge contaminants from mining operations and post mining rehabilitation to air for the purpose of undertaking mining operations.


Regional Plan: Air for Otago rule


  • Deepdell North Stage III Pit: NZTM 2000 E1397786 N4975675
  • Deepdell East Waste Rock Stack: NZTM 2000 E1398218 N4975926

Legal Description of Property: Part Section 12 Block VII Highlay SD, Part Section 11 Block VII Highlay SD, Section Block VII Highlay SD, Part Section 1 Block VIII Highlay SD

Reasons for public notification: The applicant requested public notification when applying for resource consent.

Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Otago Regional Council, 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin during working hours (8 am to 5 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Elyse Neville by phone to 0800 474 082 or by email to Elyse.Neville@orc.govt.nz.



Submissions on the above application must be received by Otago Regional Council and the applicant (Clutha District Council) no later than 5 pm on Friday 29th May 2020.

Printable submission form

Electronic PDF submission form
(DISCLAIMER: You must have Adobe Acrobat installed onto your computer to use this editable version. This form cannot be filled in on your internet browser. REMEMBER to save the form to your computer after completing then attach and send via email to submissions@orc.govt.nz)


Where to send your submission

Submissions must be forwarded to Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin, 9054 or by email to submissions@orc.govt.nz

You must also serve a copy of your submission to the applicant – Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited, by post at Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited, Attention: Duncan Ross, PO Box 5442, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058 or by email to Duncan.Ross@oceanagold.com.


Submissions requirements

Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:

(a)     adversely affects the environment; and

(b)     does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

Submissions must be dated and signed (unless submitted electronically) and must include the following information:

  1. Your name, postal address and telephone number (email and fax number if applicable);
  2. Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission;
  3. Whether it is in support of, or in opposition to the application, or is neutral;
  4. Your submissions, with reasons;
  5. The decision that you wish Council to make; and
  6. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission and you must also serve a copy of your submission on the applicant as soon as reasonably practicable.

Note: The applicant has also applied to the Waitaki District Council for resource consents in respect of the above proposal.  Submissions on the applications made to Waitaki District Council must be made to the Waitaki District Council.  Submissions on all aspects of the application will be heard together as part of a joint hearing process involving representatives from Waitaki District Council and Otago Regional Council.


Consent Application


Request for Further Information


Response to Request for Further Information


Notification Report






Applicants Evidence and Expert Evidence


Otago Regional Council S42A Report and Evidence for Hearing