Lindis Catchment Group Incorporated - RM17.301

Public notice of application for resource consents pursuant to Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991 

The Otago Regional Council has received application RM17.301 from the Lindis Catchment Group Incorporated for resource consent for the following activities within and immediately adjacent to the Lindis River Catchment.

  • To replace or apply for surface water deemed permits and water permits within the primary and supplementary allocation limits, including moving some to new locations
  • To replace groundwater permits with new groundwater permits
  • To construct a number of infiltration galleries (bores)
  • Transfer interest in a number of existing surface water deemed permits and water permits

The applicant proposes to decommission some water races, move some takes to groundwater alongside the Lindis River, replace some water permits in the main stem of the Lindis River and reduce existing primary allocation abstraction for the permits being replaced from 3,258 to 1,688 litres per second. A minimum flow of 550 litres per second is proposed for the primary allocation water permits. 

This proposed minimum flow is also the subject of a plan change PC5A to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago which is under appeal. The plan change and these consent applications will be considered by the Environment Court.

The application includes an assessment of environmental effects and may be inspected at the Council’s office at 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin or can be downloaded below.

Application including assessment of environmental effects

Please contact at the Otago Regional Council or freephone 0800 474 082 if you have any questions about this application. 

Submissions closed on Monday 15th January 2018