Wallace Group Limited Partnership

37 Boundary Road, Burnside, Dunedin.

Approximately 700 metres south-west of the intersection of Reservoir Road and Townleys Road, Burnside, Dunedin


Application No. RM22.543

Wallace Group Limited Partnership (WGLP) operates a meat rendering plant at 37 Boundary Road, Burnside, Dunedin. The plant operates under Discharge Permit 2009.381.V2, which authorises the discharge of odorous compounds from the plant into the air, subject to conditions.

Since approval of the discharge permit, numerous odour related issues have been identified by the Otago Regional Council’s Compliance Team through routine monitoring and upon investigation of odour complaints from the public. As a result, the Council has undertaken enforcement action on several occasions, including a prosecution. Council brought charges against WGLP that alleged that WGLP discharged odorous compounds to air from the site in breach of both a condition of discharge permit 2009.381.V2 and an abatement notice. WGLP pleaded guilty to the charges.

At sentencing, the Court noted that WGLP had misunderstood what the conditions of the discharge permit required and that it was appropriate for the discharge permit’s conditions to be reviewed. The Court ordered pursuant to s 339(5)(b) of the Act;

“that the Otago Regional Council serves notice under s 128(2) RMA of its intention to review the conditions of the resource consent (discharge permit) held by WGLP. I consider that this will enable the Council to put the permit and its conditions into more a more appropriate order”.

Therefore, Council served notice on WGLP under S128(2) of the RMA that the Conditions 4, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 of the discharge permit are the subject of a review. The review is a discretionary activity under Section 130(3) of the RMA.



37 Boundary Road, Burnside, Dunedin.  Approximate Midpoint of Site: NZTM E: 1401909 N: 4914430


Legal Description of Property:

  • Lots 2-3 DP 436310 Lots 1-2 DP 21212 PT SEC 61 BLK VI DUNEDIN & EAST TAIERI SD


View Consent 2009.381.V3

View Notification and 104 Decision Report