Lake Dunstan, Central Otago
You can view resource consent applications that are currently publicly notified and open for submission, awaiting hearing, being heard or pending a decision.
If you’d like to make a submission to any publicly notified application, you can find out about this process on our submissions page.
Cromwell Certified Concrete Limited - RM20.360
Dunedin City Council - RM20.280
Mobil Oil New Zealand Limited - RM22.099
Pioneer Energy Limited - RM18.004
Clutha District Council - RM15.364
Pig Burn Gorge Limited and Others – RM20.039
Lindis Catchment Group Incorporated - RM17.301
Criffel Water Limited - RM16.093
Luggate Irrigation Company Limited and Luggate Lake McKay Station Limited - RM18.345
Queenstown Lakes District Council - RM19.051
RM20.079 – Bendigo Station Limited
Arrow Irrigation Company Limited - RM20.049
Queenstown Lakes District Council - RM20.164
Queensbury Ridges Limited - RM19.312
Long Gully Race Society Incorporated – RM17.176
Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited - RM20.024
RM19.399 - Hawkdun Pastoral Limited
Lakes Marina Projects Limited Application - RM14.026
Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited Application - RM10.351
Port Otago Limited Application - RM10.193
The most effective way for you to influence the resource consent process, is to make a submission on an application.
View consents currently under review or where a review has recently been undertaken.
This map shows current consents issued by ORC in the Otago region. You can use this map to look up consents issued by ORC, see what the consent is for, how long it’s in place for, who holds the consent and supporting documents.