On this page you'll find a list of all Dunedin bus route timetables, including school bus timetables for mornings and afternoons during school terms. You'll also find below a downloadable timetable booklet that includes a map of all Dunedin routes.
Not sure which bus to take? Use our Journey Planner to find the best options.
Download the Dunedin bus timetable and route map below so you can read it anytime, anywhere.
February 2025
PDF | 8 MB
This is a booklet containing the bus timetables of all Orbus Dunedin bus routes, including a map (January 2025).
February 2025
PDF | 1 MB
This is a map containing all Orbus Dunedin bus routes (January 2025).
The central Dunedin Bus Hub is the city's major public transport hub. Located on Great King Street, the Hub is the heart of the Orbus Dunedin bus network.
All city-bound services run through the Bus Hub, providing stops and easier transfers in a central location.
The Dunedin Bus Hub map is below, so you can see where your bus stops.
(You can pinch and zoom into the map with your fingers if you're on a mobile device)
We are conducting a campaign to help make buses, hubs and stops in Dunedin and Queenstown feel safer and more welcoming for everyone.
The campaign encourages people to be respectful and considerate of everyone using buses and urges people to report bad behaviour to the Police or Otago Regional Council.
With the tagline ‘It’s cool to be kind’, the campaign asks people to respect everyone at the bus stop and on the bus, and to respect bus drivers.
ORC is continuing to work closely with Police and community leaders and groups on a range of initiatives through the Central City Advisory Group.
Who should I contact if I have any safety concerns on buses or at stops?
Please contact the Police by calling 105 (non-emergency) or 111 (emergency) or alert security guards at the bus hub. For non-urgent concerns, call ORC on 0800 ORBUSDN (0800 672 8736), 0800 ORBUSQT (0800 672 8778) or email transport@orc.govt.nz
Find Orbus guidelines on things you can and can’t take on the bus, including information on animals/pets and bikes.
Find out which services will be operating on specific public holidays.
Everything you want to know about using Otago public transport in one easy location.
Learn more about the free Transit app to plan your journey and track your bus, along with where you can get the app.
Learn how Orbus's real-time tracking works so you can see where and when your bus is arriving at your bus stop.
Learn more about how we're using electric buses to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality.