Why review the Water Plan

Section 79 of the RMA requires councils to commence a review of their plan provisions if they have not been a subject of a review or change during the previous 10 years. Therefore, a review of any provisions that have not changed since 2010 is required.

Since the current Water Plan became operative in 2004, the New Zealand government has released the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (amended 2017) (NPSFM) This NPSFM sets the direction for future freshwater management in New Zealand and requires regional councils to make sure regional plans give effect to the NPSFM. On 31 October 2018, ORC adopted a Progressive Implementation Plan (PIP), which outlines the actions that the ORC will undertake to implement the NPSFM. As part of this implementation process ORC committed to undertaking a full review of its Water Plan and develop a new LWRP.

If you want to find out more about the PiP click here.

In November 2019, following a review of ORC’s functions and planning framework, the Minster for the Environment, made a recommendation to ORC to notify a new LWRP by 31 December 2023. This recommendation was accepted by ORC.

In addition to the statutory requirement to review the District Plan provisions, the pressures faced within the Region have evolved over time. ORC is doing a comprehensive review of is Water Plan to ensure the Plan continues to look after the unique and treasured ecological, cultural and community values that are supported by our region’s water bodies.

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