On this page you'll find a list of all Queenstown bus and ferry route timetables, including school bus timetables for afternoons during school terms and bus detour info. You'll also find below a downloadable timetable booklet that includes a map of all Queenstown routes.
Not sure which bus to take? Use our Journey Planner to find the best options.
Download the Queenstown bus timetable and route map below so you can view it anytime, anywhere.
January 2025
PDF | 2 MB
This is a booklet containing all the timetables of Orbus Queenstown bus routes (January 2025).
PDF | 667 KB
This is a PDF containing a map of all Orbus Queenstown bus routes (September 2023).
Find Orbus guidelines on things you can and can’t take on the bus, including information on animals/pets and bikes.
Everything you want to know about using Otago public transport in one easy location.
Find out which services will be operating on specific public holidays.
Learn more about the free Transit app to plan your journey and track your bus, along with where you can get the app.
Learn how Orbus's real-time tracking works so you can see where and when your bus is arriving at your bus stop.
This business case is focused on the Queenstown area's future public transport investment decisions over the next 15 years.
Starting from 11 August 2024, bus detours will be in place to assist with SH6/6A Frankton Intersection and Bus Hub Improvements Project. Although your bus will stop at the same bus stop it always has, your bus may take a slightly different route to get there, so delays could happen.
Find out everything you need to know on our Queenstown bus detours page, which will continue to be updated as the project develops.