Let's do a vibe check and make our buses, hubs, and stops welcoming for everyone. 

  • Be respectful
  • Chill, you'll get there
  • Thank the driver, they deserve appreciation 
  • Give up your seat for someone who needs it
  • Relax and enjoy the ride

Wherever you're waiting for the bus or when you're riding a bus on the Orbus public transport network, we ask that you consider others - even those not on the bus with you.

Remember that not everyone is comfortable in a crowded area or around strangers. Everyone's behaviour contributes to the environment, and together we can make these places feel safer and more welcoming to others.

Respect everyone at the bus stop

It's not just bus users who are at bus stops, we can all be a little mindful of how we share the space with each other. 

Tips to improve the bus stop vibe: 

  • Be polite — treat others as you'd like to be treated
  • Remember that bus hubs and buses are smokefree (including vapes)
  • Allow elderly or less mobile people to board the bus first
  • Wait for passengers to exit a bus before you hop on

Respect your driver

Bus drivers provide a valuable service to the community - show them the respect they deserve.

Tips to improve the vibe on the bus:

  • It's a Kiwi thing to say "kia ora/hello" or "thanks!" when you board or exit the bus - it goes a long way
  • Traffic and delays are often out of the driver’s control. Avoid taking your frustration out on drivers
  • Remember — no eating, drinking or moving around while the bus is moving
  • If the bus is crowded, avoid blocking the driver’s view or getting in their personal space
  • Have your Bee Card ready when you board. This keeps the bus running on schedule and reduces stress for the driver
  • Keep noise to a minimum; loud conversations, music, or disruptive behaviour can distract the driver

Respect everyone on the bus

Remember, the buses are a public space, and everyone deserves to be treated with the same level of respect. 

Tips to improve everyone's vibe: 

  • Consider giving up your seat to the elderly, people with disabilities, pregnant people, or parents with young children 
  • Keep noise to a minimum and watch the language being used 
  • Respect people’s personal space and try not to block aisles or doorways
  • Seats are for people — not bags 
  • No eating or drinking — no one wants to step or sit in the mess of others
  • Take any rubbish with you — a clean bus means a more enjoyable ride for everyone 
  • Give your driver enough warning to stop by pushing the button early (if you're not sure when your stop is, use the Transit app to track your bus — it will show you where you are and how many stops to go)

How to report concerns

If you have any concerns, please contact the Orbus team 

Remember, there is a code of conduct which everyone who rides with Orbus should follow. 

For non-emergencies where you feel unsafe, call the police on 105
In an emergency, call the police on 111

For non-emergencies where you feel unsafe,
call the police on 105 


In an emergency, call the police on 111

Page last updated 2 September 2024.