Be part of the discussion about the future of the Cardrona River


A new approach to managing the Cardrona

Freshwater Management Units (FMUs) have been set for Otago, some of which are further divided into rohe (sub areas). Each FMU or rohe community needs to set agreed shared values, objectives and limits for their waterways. This is a requirement of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management so that waterway management is decided locally, rather than with a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

The Cardrona catchment forms part of the Dunstan Rohe and is going to go through this process first. This is because of the work already done with this community on values and objectives as part of the process to set minimum flows for the Cardrona River. This work will now fold in to the rohe plan.

Alongside this, ORC is reviewing its water plan. The FMU and rohe plans will each form a chapter of the new water plan. It is important that as many people as possible take part in the discussion about their river catchment so that decisions reflect the needs of the whole community.

As part of the Water Plan review, we came back to the Cardrona catchment community in 2019 to find out if the values previously identified were still relevant, and whether any community members had new values to add. Read the results of this consultation here.
